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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2A, E, F, R and 2S

AFTERSHAFTSaftershafts n. Plural of aftershaft.
after-shafts n. Plural of after-shaft.
AFTERSHAFT n. the second shaft coming out of the quill of a feather.
AFTERSHAVESaftershaves n. Plural of aftershave.
after-shaves n. Plural of after-shave.
AFTERSHAVE n. a usually scented lotion for use on the face after shaving.
AFTERSWARMSafterswarms n. Plural of afterswarm.
AFTERSWARM n. a second swarm or cast of bees.
AFTERTASTESaftertastes n. Plural of aftertaste.
after-tastes n. Plural of after-taste.
after␣tastes n. Plural of after taste.
FANTASISERSfantasisers n. Plural of fantasiser.
FANTASISER n. one who fantasises, also FANTASIZER.
FANTASIZERSfantasizers n. Plural of fantasizer.
FANTASIZER n. one who fantasises, also FANTASISER.
FANTASTRIESfantastries n. Plural of fantastry.
FANTASTRY n. dandyism, also PHANTASTRY.
FARAWAYNESSfarawayness n. The state of being faraway.
FARAWAYNESS n. the state of being faraway.
FASTBALLERSfastballers n. Plural of fastballer.
FASTBALLER n. in baseball, one who delivers fastballs.
FATSHEDERASfatshederas n. Plural of fatshedera.
FATSHEDERA n. an evergreen spreading shrub of the ivy family.
FRAMBOESIASFRAMBOESIA n. a tropical skin disease, aka yaws, also FRAMBESIA.
SASSAFRASESsassafrases n. Plural of sassafras.
SASSAFRAS n. (Spanish) an American tree of the laurel family; also, the bark of the roots, which has an aromatic smell and taste.
SPACECRAFTSspacecrafts n. (Nonstandard) plural of spacecraft.
SPACECRAFT n. a vehicle or device designed for travel or operation outside the earth's atmosphere.
SPACEFARERSspacefarers n. Plural of spacefarer.
SPACEFRAMESspaceframes n. Plural of spaceframe.
space␣frames n. Plural of space frame.
STAGECRAFTSstagecrafts n. Plural of stagecraft.
STAGECRAFT n. the effective management of theatrical devices or techniques.
STATECRAFTSstatecrafts n. Plural of statecraft.
STATECRAFT n. the art of conducting state affairs.
SUCRALFATESSUCRALFATE n. a drug used in the treatment of peptic ulcer.
TRANSFERALStransferals n. Plural of transferal.
TRANSFERAL n. the act of transfer, also TRANSFERRAL.
TRANSFERASEtransferase n. (Biochemistry) Any of various enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a functional group, such as amine…
TRANSFERASE n. an enzyme that promotes transfer of a group from one molecule to another.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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