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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing 2A, 2E, M and 2N

ADVANCEMENTadvancement n. The act of advancing; promotion to a higher place or dignity.
advancement n. The state of being advanced.
advancement n. How advanced something is.
ANIMATENESSanimateness n. The state or condition of being animate.
ANIMATENESS n. the state of being animate.
ANTEMUNDANEantemundane adj. Being or occurring prior to the creation of the world.
ANTEMUNDANE adj. (archaic) before the creation of the world.
ARRANGEMENTarrangement n. The act of arranging.
arrangement n. The manner of being arranged.
arrangement n. A collection of things that have been arranged.
LINEAMENTALlineamental adj. Relating to a lineament.
LINEAMENTAL adj. relating to lineaments.
MAINTENANCEmaintenance n. Actions performed to keep some machine or system functioning or in service.
maintenance n. (Law) A tort and (in some jurisdictions) an offence committed when a third party who does not have a…
maintenance n. (Law, UK) Alimony, a periodical payment or a lump sum made or ordered to be made to a spouse after a divorce.
MANAGEMENTSmanagements n. Plural of management.
MANAGEMENT n. the act of managing.
MANGEMANGESMANGEMANGE n. (Maori) a climbing fern of the North Island of New Zealand.
MEGATONNAGEmegatonnage n. The destructive power of an explosive, measured in megatons.
MEGATONNAGE n. the total explosive capacity in megatons.
UNAMENDABLEunamendable adj. Not possible to amend.
UNAMENDABLE adj. not amendable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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