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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing 2A, 2E, 2M and T

AMERCIAMENTamerciament n. Alternative form of amercement.
AMERCIAMENT n. the infliction of a fine, also AMERCEMENT.
AMPHETAMINEamphetamine n. (Organic chemistry, proper) The racemic freebase of 1-phenylpropan-2-amine; an equal parts mixture of…
amphetamine n. (Informal) Any mixture of the two amphetamine enantiomers, dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine.
amphetamine n. (Informal, nonstandard) Referring to a substituted amphetamine; a member of the amphetamine class of chemicals.
EMPYREUMATAempyreumata n. Plural of empyreuma.
EMPYREUMA n. the peculiar smell and taste arising from products of decomposition of animal or vegetable substances when burnt in close vessels.
LAMESTREAMSLAMESTREAM n. the traditional media such as newspapers, television and radio, considered by some people as old-fashioned and gullible when compared to online news sources such as blogs.
MACROGAMETEmacrogamete n. (Cytology) The larger of a pair of conjugating gametes; often the female.
MACROGAMETE n. the larger and usually female gamete of a heterogamous organism, also MEGAGAMETE.
MANAGEMENTSmanagements n. Plural of management.
MANAGEMENT n. the act of managing.
MATHEMATISEmathematise v. Alternative spelling of mathematize.
MATHEMATIZEmathematize v. (Transitive) To describe in terms of a mathematical equation.
MEGAGAMETESmegagametes n. Plural of megagamete.
MEGAGAMETE n. the larger and usually female gamete of a heterogamous organism, also MACROGAMETE.
MEPROBAMATEmeprobamate n. (Pharmacology) A carbamate derivative used as an anxiolytic drug.
MEPROBAMATE n. a drug used, esp. formerly, as a muscle relaxant and as a sedative.
METAFEMALESmetafemales n. Plural of metafemale.
METAFEMALE n. a sterile female organism.
METHANAMIDEmethanamide n. (Organic chemistry) Formamide.
METHANAMIDE n. an amide derived from formic acid, aka formamide.
REARMAMENTSrearmaments n. Plural of rearmament.
REARMAMENT n. the act of arming again.
SEMIPALMATEsemipalmate adj. Semipalmated.
SEMIPALMATE adj. partly webfooted, also SEMIPALMATED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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