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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2A, 2E, H, I and R

AEROPHAGIESAEROPHAGY n. spasmodic swallowing of air.
BARESTHESIAbaresthesia n. Barognosis.
BARESTHESIA n. the sense of pressure, also BARAESTHESIA.
DREARIHEADSDREARIHEAD n. (Spenser) affliction; dreariness, also DREARIHOOD, DRERIHEAD.
EPIRRHEMATAepirrhemata n. Plural of epirrhema.
EPIRRHEMA n. (Greek) in Greek comedy, the address of the coryphaeus to the audience after the parabasis.
ERYTHRAEMIAerythraemia n. Alternative form of erythremia.
ERYTHRAEMIA n. another name for the medical condition polycythaemia vera, also ERYTHREMIA.
ETHEROMANIAetheromania n. An addiction to ether intoxication.
ETHEROMANIA n. addiction to the taking of ether.
EXHILARATEDexhilarated v. Simple past tense and past participle of exhilarate.
EXHILARATE v. to make cheerful and excited.
EXHILARATESexhilarates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of exhilarate.
EXHILARATE v. to make cheerful and excited.
HAREBRAINEDharebrained adj. (Of an idea or plan etc) Absurd, foolish or stupid.
harebrained adj. (Of a person) Frivolous and silly; featherbrained or scatterbrained.
hare-brained adj. Alternative form of harebrained.
HEADWAITERSheadwaiters n. Plural of headwaiter.
HEADWAITER n. the head of the dining-room staff of a restaurant or hotel.
HEMERALOPIAhemeralopia n. (Medicine) The inability to see clearly in bright light; day blindness.
hemeralopia n. (Medicine, archaic) Night blindness.
HEMERALOPIA n. the condition of seeing well at night or in partial darkness, while the day sight is poor.
HETEROTAXIAheterotaxia n. Heterotaxis.
HETEROTAXIA n. the abnormal disposition of organs or parts, also HETEROTAXY.
HYPERAEMIAShyperaemias n. Plural of hyperaemia.
HYPERAEMIA n. an excess or congestion of blood in an organ or part of the body, also HYPEREMIA.
MEGATHERIANmegatherian adj. Relating to, or characteristic of a megatherium.
MEGATHERIAN adj. like a megathere, any of various gigantic extinct American sloths.
METATHERIANmetatherian adj. (Zoology) Belonging or pertaining to the infraclass Metatheria of marsupials.
metatherian n. (Zoology) A member of the infraclass Metatheria.
METATHERIAN adj. of, relating to, or belonging to the Metatheria, a subclass of mammals comprising the marsupials.
PARESTHESIAparesthesia n. A sensation of burning, prickling, itching, or tingling of the skin, with no obvious cause.
PARESTHESIA n. a tingling sensation on the skin, also PARAESTHESIA.
PERICHAETIAperichaetia n. Plural of perichaetium.
PERICHAETIUM n. a sheath or cluster of leaves around the archegonia in mosses and liverworts.
TRACHEARIEStrachearies n. Plural of tracheary.
TRACHEARY n. a tracheary animal.
WASHETERIASwasheterias n. Plural of washeteria.
WASHETERIA n. a laundrette, also WASHATERIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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