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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 2A, D, L, M, O and R

AEROMEDICALaeromedical adj. Of or pertaining to aeromedicine.
AEROMEDICAL adj. of or relating to aeromedicine.
AMELIORATEDameliorated v. Simple past tense and past participle of ameliorate.
ameliorated adj. Having had problem(s) improved upon; having been the subject of amelioration.
AMELIORATE v. to make better, also MELIORATE.
CAMELEOPARDcameleopard n. Alternative spelling of camelopard.
CAMELEOPARD n. (obsolete) a giraffe, also CAMELOPARD.
CAMELOPARDScamelopards n. Plural of camelopard.
CAMELOPARD n. (obsolete) a giraffe, also CAMELEOPARD.
DACTYLOGRAMdactylogram n. A fingerprint.
DACTYLOGRAM n. a fingerprint.
DECLAMATORYdeclamatory adj. Having the quality of a declamation.
declamatory adj. Pretentiously lofty in style; bombastic.
DECLAMATORY adj. in the manner of a declamation.
LAUNDROMATSlaundromats n. Plural of laundromat.
LOADMASTERSloadmasters n. Plural of loadmaster.
LOADMASTER n. a member of an aircrew who is in charge of the cargo.
MACRODACTYLmacrodactyl n. One of a group of wading birds (Macrodactyli) having very long toes.
MACRODACTYL n. one of a group of wading birds.
MALADROITLYmaladroitly adv. In a maladroit manner.
MALADROIT adv. (French) clumsy, unskilful.
MANDATORILYmandatorily adv. In a mandatory manner; not optionally; required.
MANDATORY adv. by mandate, also MANDATARY.
MAQUILADORAmaquiladora n. An assembly plant in Mexico owned by a company from the United States or another foreign country, using…
MAQUILADORA n. (Spanish) a manufacturing plant in Mexico that produce parts for assembly in the United States, also MAQUILA.
MARTELLANDOMARTELLANDO n. (Italian) the act of playing the violin with a hammering touch, or with short quick detached movements of the bow.
MEADOWLARKSmeadowlarks n. Plural of meadowlark.
MEADOWLARK n. any of several American songbirds of the genus Sturnella.
MEDIATORIALmediatorial adj. Relating to or befitting a mediator (one who mediates).
MEDIATORIAL adj. of or like a mediator.
MORTADELLASmortadellas n. Plural of mortadella.
MORTADELLA n. (Italian) Italian pork sausage.
PARLOURMAIDparlourmaid n. (Britain) A maid who takes care of the parlour.
PARLOURMAID n. a female servant in a private home who serves at the table, keeps the house clean and answers the door to guests.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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