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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2A, D, H, L, N and R

ANTHERIDIALantheridial adj. (Botany) Of, pertaining to, or produced in, the antheridium.
ANTHERIDIAL adj. relating to an antheridium, the organ on a gametophyte plant which produces the sperm cells.
APHELANDRASaphelandras n. Plural of aphelandra.
APHELANDRA n. any shrub of the evergreen genus Aphelandra, widely grown as a house plant for its variegated shiny leaves and brightly coloured flowers.
ARACHNOIDALarachnoidal adj. (Anatomy) Pertaining to the arachnoid mater; arachnoid.
ARACHNOIDAL adj. like a cobweb, covered with fine hairs.
BLACKHANDERblackhander n. Alternative form of Black Hander.
Blackhander n. Alternative form of Black Hander.
Black␣Hander n. A person who carries on the Black Hand extortion racket.
CANTHARIDALcantharidal adj. Of or pertaining to cantharides.
CANTHARIDAL adj. of or like a cantharid, also CANTHARIDIAN, CANTHARIDIC.
CHANCROIDALchancroidal adj. Relating to chancroid.
CHANCROIDAL adj. of or like a chancroid, a type of venereal sore.
CRANKHANDLECRANKHANDLE n. a handle for starting a motor.
DOLPHINARIAdolphinaria n. Plural of dolphinarium.
DOLPHINARIUM n. a place where dolphins are kept.
ENNEAHEDRALenneahedral adj. (Geometry) Having nine sides.
ENNEAHEDRAL adj. of or like an enneahedron, a nine-sided solid figure.
FATHERLANDSfatherlands n. Plural of fatherland.
FATHERLAND n. the native land or country of one's father or ancestors.
HANDBALLERShandballers n. Plural of handballer.
HANDBALLER n. one who plays handball.
HANDLANGERShandlangers n. Plural of handlanger.
Handlangers n. Plural of Handlanger.
HANDLANGER n. (South African) an unskilled assistant to a tradesman.
HYDRALAZINEhydralazine n. (Pharmacology) A direct-acting smooth muscle relaxant used to treat hypertension by acting as a vasodilator…
HYDRALAZINE n. a vasodilator used in the form of its hydrochloride to treat hypertension.
MARSHLANDERmarshlander n. A person who comes from, or lives in, a marshland.
MARSHLANDER n. one who lives in marshland.
NEANDERTHALneanderthal adj. Alternative letter-case form of Neanderthal.
neanderthal n. Alternative letter-case form of Neanderthal.
Neanderthal adj. Of or pertaining to Homo neanderthalensis.
PANHANDLERSpanhandlers n. Plural of panhandler.
PANHANDLER n. (US) someone who begs from someone esp. on the street.
PENTAHEDRALpentahedral adj. Relating to a pentahedron.
PENTAHEDRAL adj. of or like a pentahedron, a five-sided solid figure.
RANSHACKLEDRANSHACKLE v. (Scott) to search, ransack, also RANSHAKLE.
THEATERLANDtheaterland n. Part of the Manhattan borough in New York City, USA, where many theatres can be found.
THEATERLAND n. the main theatre district of a city, esp. in the West End of London, also THEATRELAND.
THEATRELANDtheatreland n. Part of the West End district of London, England, where many theatres can be found.
THEATRELAND n. the main theatre district of a city, esp. in the West End of London, also THEATERLAND.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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