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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2A, D, H, 2I and R

ADIAPHORISMadiaphorism n. The belief that certain religious doctrines or ceremonies are indifferent, i.e. do not matter.
ADIAPHORISM n. tolerance or indifference, esp. in the matters of religion.
ADIAPHORISTadiaphorist n. One who believes in adiaphorism.
Adiaphorist prop.n. One of the German Protestants, condemned as heretics by Luther, who held some religious doctrines and…
ADIAPHORIST n. an adherent of adiaphorism, the doctrine of theological indifference or latitudinarianism.
ADIATHERMICadiathermic adj. Impervious to heat.
ADIATHERMIC adj. impervious to radiant heat.
ADMIRALSHIPadmiralship n. The state, property, or office of being an admiral.
ADMIRALSHIP n. the office of admiral.
ANTHERIDIALantheridial adj. (Botany) Of, pertaining to, or produced in, the antheridium.
ANTHERIDIAL adj. relating to an antheridium, the organ on a gametophyte plant which produces the sperm cells.
APHRODISIACaphrodisiac adj. Arousing or intensifying sexual desire.
aphrodisiac n. Something, generally a food or drug, having such an effect.
APHRODISIAC n. an agent (as a food or drug) that arouses or is held to arouse sexual desire.
APHRODISIASAPHRODISIA n. sexual desire, esp. violent.
ARACHIDONICarachidonic adj. Of or pertaining to arachidonic acid or its derivatives.
ARACHIDONIC adj. as in arachidonic acid, an unsaturated fatty acid occurring in animal cells.
CANTHARIDICcantharidic adj. Related to, composed of, or derived from cantharides.
CANTHARIDIC adj. of or like a cantharid, also CANTHARIDAL, CANTHARIDIAN.
CANTHARIDINcantharidin n. (Organic chemistry) A volatile organic compound in cantharis, or Spanish fly.
CANTHARIDIN n. a bitter crystalline compound that is the active blister-producing ingredient of cantharides.
CHARACINOIDCHARACINOID adj. of or like a characin.
CHARIVARIEDCHARIVARI v. to perform such a serenade, also CHIVAREE, CHIVARI.
CHILIAHEDRAchiliahedra n. Plural of chiliahedron.
CHILIAHEDRON n. (Greek) a one-thousand sided solid figure.
DIATHERMIASDIATHERMIA n. heating of internal parts of the body by electric currents, also DIATHERMY.
DISACCHARIDDISACCHARID n. any of a class of sugars, such as maltose, lactose, and sucrose, having two linked monosaccharide units per molecule.
DOLPHINARIAdolphinaria n. Plural of dolphinarium.
DOLPHINARIUM n. a place where dolphins are kept.
HAIRBRAINEDhairbrained adj. Misspelling of harebrained.
HAIRBRAINED adj. crazy, crackpot, also HAREBRAINED.
MAIDENHAIRSmaidenhairs n. Plural of maidenhair.
maiden-hairs n. Plural of maiden-hair.
MAIDENHAIR n. a fern of the genus Adiantum, having very slender graceful stalks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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