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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 2A, D, G, O, P and S

AUDIOGRAPHSaudiographs n. Plural of audiograph.
AUDIOGRAPH n. a machine used to test a patient's hearing by transmitting sound waves directly to the inner ear.
CARDOPHAGUSCARDOPHAGUS n. (obsolete) a donkey; something that eats thistles.
PAEDAGOGUESpaedagogues n. Plural of paedagogue (alternative spelling of pedagogues).
pædagogues n. Plural of pædagogue (alternative spelling of pedagogues).
PAEDAGOGUE n. one who teaches; by extension, a pedant, also PEDAGOG, PEDAGOGUE.
PALISADOINGpalisadoing v. Present participle of palisado.
PALISADO v. to fortify with a fence of stakes, also PALISADE.
PARALOGISEDparalogised v. Simple past tense and past participle of paralogise.
PARALOGISE v. to draw conclusions that do not follow logically from a given set of assumptions, also PARALOGIZE.
PROPAGANDASpropagandas n. Plural of propaganda.
PROPAGANDA n. a congregation of the Roman curia having jurisdiction over missionary territories and related institutions.
RADIOGRAPHSradiographs n. Plural of radiograph.
RADIOGRAPH n. a picture produced by the Rontgen rays upon a sensitive surface, photographic or fluorescent, esp. a picture of opaque objects traversed by the rays.
RADIOPAGERSradiopagers n. Plural of radiopager.
RADIOPAGER n. a radio receiver which functions as a pager.
SCAPEGOATEDscapegoated v. Simple past tense and past participle of scapegoat.
SCAPEGOAT v. to make a scapegoat of.
SHADOWGRAPHshadowgraph n. A shadow-picture; a radiograph or X-ray photograph; a sciagram.
shadowgraph n. (Physics) An optical technique of visualizing patterns of fluid flow by using differences in refractive index.
shadowgraph v. (Transitive) To outline in a shadow-picture on a screen.
SNAPDRAGONSsnapdragons n. Plural of snapdragon.
SNAPDRAGON n. a plant of the figwort family whose flower when pinched and released snaps like a dragon.
SPATANGOIDSspatangoids n. Plural of spatangoid.
SPATANGOID n. a heart urchin, a member of the Spangoidea, an order of more or less heart-shaped sea urchins with eccentric anus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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