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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2A, D, G, I, M and T

ADUMBRATINGadumbrating v. Present participle of adumbrate.
ADUMBRATE v. to foreshadow vaguely, to intimate.
DEAMINATINGdeaminating v. Present participle of deaminate.
DEAMINATE v. to remove the amino acid from a compound.
DEMARCATINGdemarcating v. Present participle of demarcate.
DEMARCATE v. to mark the boundary of.
DIAMAGNETICdiamagnetic adj. (Physics) Exhibiting diamagnetism; repelled by a magnet.
diamagnetic n. Any substance that exhibits diamagnetism.
DIAMAGNETIC adj. applied to any substance of which a rod suspended between the poles of a magnet arranges itself across the lines of force, as opposed to paramagnetic.
DRAMATISINGdramatising v. Present participle of dramatise.
DRAMATISE v. to adapt to dramatic representation; as, to dramatize a novel, also DRAMATIZE.
DRAMATIZINGdramatizing v. Present participle of dramatize.
DRAMATIZE v. to adapt to dramatic representation; as, to dramatize a novel, also DRAMATISE.
DRAMATURGICdramaturgic adj. Of or relating to the art of dramatic composition for the stage.
DRAMATURGIC adj. relating to dramaturgy, also DRAMATURGICAL.
EMARGINATEDemarginated adj. (Botany) Having the margin interrupted by a notch or shallow sinus.
emarginated adj. Notched at the summit.
emarginated adj. (Crystallography) Having the edges truncated.
JUDGMATICALjudgmatical adj. Judicious.
JUDGMATICAL adj. given to judgment, also JUDGMATIC.
MADRIGALISTmadrigalist n. A composer of madrigals.
madrigalist n. A singer or interpreter of madrigals.
MADRIGALIST n. one who sings madrigals.
MAGISTRANDSmagistrands n. Plural of magistrand.
MAGISTRAND n. a university student in fourth year.
MANDUCATINGmanducating v. Present participle of manducate.
MANDUCATE v. to chew or eat.
MASTHEADINGmastheading v. Present participle of masthead.
MASTHEAD v. to raise to the masthead; to punish by sending to the masthead.
MIDSAGITTALmidsagittal adj. At the middle of the sagittal plane.
MIDSAGITTAL adj. median and sagittal.
MISADAPTINGmisadapting v. Present participle of misadapt.
MISADAPT v. to adapt wrongly.
PRAGMATISEDpragmatised v. Simple past tense and past participle of pragmatise.
PRAGMATISE v. to interpret; to represent as real, also PRAGMATIZE.
PRAGMATIZEDpragmatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of pragmatize.
PRAGMATIZE v. to interpret; to represent as real, also PRAGMATISE.
SMARAGDITESsmaragdites n. Plural of smaragdite.
SMARAGDITE n. a green foliated kind of amphibole, observed in eclogite and some varieties of gabbro.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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