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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2A, D, E, N, O and P

ACCOMPANIEDaccompanied v. Simple past tense and past participle of accompany.
accompanied adj. Having accompaniment; being part of a group of at least two.
ACCOMPANY v. to escort.
ADAPTOGENICadaptogenic adj. Being or relating to an adaptogen.
ADAPTOGENIC adj. acting to normalize and regulate the systems of the body.
ANADIPLOSESanadiploses n. Plural of anadiplosis.
ANADIPLOSIS n. the beginning of a sentence, line, or clause with the concluding, or any prominent, word of the one preceding.
ANDROPAUSESANDROPAUSE n. the male menopause.
ANTIPODEANSantipodeans n. Plural of antipodean.
ANTIPODEAN n. an inhabitant of the antipodes.
CAPARISONEDcaparisoned adj. (Of a horse or elephant) Having a richly ornamented harness.
caparisoned adj. Dressed in richly ornamented finery.
caparisoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of caparison.
COCAPTAINEDcocaptained v. Simple past tense and past participle of cocaptain.
COCAPTAIN v. to captain jointly.
DEPRAVATIONdepravation n. Detraction; depreciation. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
depravation n. The act of depraving, or making anything bad; the act of corrupting.
depravation n. The state of being depraved or degenerated; degeneracy; depravity.
HYPNOPAEDIAhypnopaedia n. Teaching (or learning) by subconscious means.
hypnopædia n. Rare spelling of hypnopaedia.
HYPNOPAEDIA n. training or instruction during sleep.
MADREPORIANmadreporian adj. Resembling, or pertaining to, the genus Madrepora.
madreporian n. Any member of the genus Madrepora.
MADREPORIAN n. a coral, a madrepore.
NONADAPTIVEnonadaptive adj. Not adaptive; unable to adapt.
NONADAPTIVE adj. not adaptive.
PANDEMONIACpandemoniac adj. Relating to, resembling, or characteristic of, a pandemonium.
pandemoniac n. One who delights in pandemonium and often causes it.
pandemoniac n. Something that is characterized by pandemonium.
PANDEMONIANpandemonian adj. Relating to, resembling, or characteristic of, a pandemonium.
PANDEMONIAN n. a noisy and disorderly person.
PANTALOONEDpantalooned adj. Dressed in pantaloons.
PANTALOONED adj. wearing pantaloons.
PASSIONATEDpassionated v. Simple past tense and past participle of passionate.
PASSIONATE v. to express with passion; to impassion.
PEDANTOCRATpedantocrat n. A proponent of pedantocracy.
PEDANTOCRAT n. a member of the pedantocracy.
PLANETOIDALplanetoidal adj. Relating to a planetoid.
PLANETOIDAL adj. like a planetoid.
SPANIOLATEDSPANIOLATE v. to hispanicize, make Spanish.
UNADOPTABLEunadoptable adj. That cannot be adopted; unsuitable for adoption.
UNADOPTABLE adj. not adoptable.
UNPARAGONEDunparagoned adj. (Archaic) Superlative; the best; without equal.
UNPARAGONED adj. unmatched.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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