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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing 2A, C, 2E, P and U

APPLESAUCESapplesauces n. Plural of applesauce.
apple␣sauces n. Plural of apple sauce.
APPLESAUCE n. a relish or dessert made of apples stewed to a pulp and sweetened; (slang) bunkum, nonsense.
DECAPSULATEdecapsulate v. (Surgery, transitive) To remove a capsule (especially from the kidney).
DECAPSULATE v. to remove a capsule from (a part or organ, esp. the kidney).
EMPARLAUNCEEMPARLAUNCE n. (Spenser) parleying, conference, also IMPARLANCE.
ENCAPSULATEencapsulate v. (Transitive) To enclose something in, or as if in, a capsule.
encapsulate v. (Transitive) To epitomize something by expressing it as a brief summary.
encapsulate v. (Software, object-oriented programming) To enclose objects in a common interface in a way that makes…
PARARESCUERpararescuer n. A person who practises pararescue.
PARARESCUESSorry, definition not available.
RECEPTACULAreceptacula n. Plural of receptaculum.
RECEPTACULUM n. (Latin) a receptacle.
UNESCAPABLEunescapable adj. Impossible to avoid or escape, not escapable; ineluctable.
UNESCAPABLE adj. not escapable.
UNPEACEABLEunpeaceable adj. Not peaceable.
UNPEACEABLE adj. not peaceable.
UNPLACEABLEunplaceable adj. Not placeable; that cannot be placed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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