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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing 2A, C, 2E, L and V

ACETYLATIVEacetylative adj. Causing or relating to acetylation.
ACETYLATIVE adj. acting as an acetylate.
ALTERCATIVEaltercative adj. (Rare) Characterized by wrangling; scolding.
ALTERCATIVE adj. relating to altercation.
AMBIVALENCEambivalence n. The coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings (such as love and hate) towards a person, object or idea.
ambivalence n. A state of uncertainty or indecisiveness.
AMBIVALENCE n. simultaneous and contradictory feelings toward something, also AMBIVALENCY.
CALAVERITEScalaverites n. Plural of calaverite.
CALAVERITE n. a metallic pale yellow mineral consisting of a telluride of gold in the form of elongated striated crystals.
CALEFACTIVEcalefactive adj. Calefactory.
CALEFACTIVE adj. communicating heat.
DECLARATIVEdeclarative adj. Serving to declare; having the quality of a declaration.
declarative adj. (Grammar, of a verb, sentence, or mood) Expressing truth.
declarative adj. (Programming) That declares a construct.
EJACULATIVEejaculative adj. Ejaculatory.
EJACULATIVE adj. relating to ejaculation.
EVANGELICALevangelical adj. Pertaining to the doctrines or teachings of the Christian gospel or Christianity in general.
evangelical adj. Pertaining to the gospel(s) of the Christian New Testament.
evangelical adj. Protestant; specifically Lutheran and Calvinist churches in continental Europe as well as their offshoots…
EXCLAMATIVEexclamative adj. In the form of an exclamation; exclamatory.
EXCLAMATIVE n. a word or sentence that denotes an exclamation.
OVERBALANCEoverbalance v. To be more important than; to outweigh.
overbalance v. (Transitive) To cause an imbalance in (something) by means of excess weight or numbers.
overbalance v. (Transitive) To throw (someone or something) off balance; to cause to capsize.
VALLECULATEvalleculate adj. Synonym of vallecular.
VALLECULATE adj. shaped like a vallecula.
VARICELLATEVARICELLATE adj. of certain shells, marked on the surface with small ridges.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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