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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 8 eleven-letter words containing 2A, 2C, 2T and U

ACCENTUATEDaccentuated v. Simple past tense and past participle of accentuate.
ACCENTUATE v. to emphasize.
ACCENTUATESaccentuates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of accentuate.
ACCENTUATE v. to emphasize.
ACCOUNTANTSaccountants n. Plural of accountant.
ACCOUNTANT n. one skilled in the practice of accounting, also ACCOMPTANT.
ACCULTURATEacculturate v. (Transitive) To change the culture of (a person) by the influence of another culture, especially a more…
acculturate v. (Transitive) To cause (a person) to acquire the culture of society, starting at birth.
acculturate v. (Intransitive) To be changed by acculturation.
ACQUITTANCEacquittance n. (Now historical) A writing which is evidence of a discharge; a receipt in full, which bars a further demand.
acquittance n. (Now rare) Payment of debt; settlement.
acquittance n. (Now historical) The release from a debt, or from some obligation or duty; exemption.
CATACAUSTICcatacaustic n. A caustic curve formed by light reflecting from a curved surface.
catacaustic n. (Mathematics) the envelope of all rays that emanate from a specified point (the radiant point) and reflect…
CATACAUSTIC adj. relating to or denoting a caustic curve or caustic surface formed by reflection.
CATARACTOUScataractous adj. (Archaic) Of the nature of a cataract in the eye.
cataractous adj. (Archaic) Affected with cataract.
CATARACTOUS adj. of or like a cataract.
CONTRACTUALcontractual adj. Of, relating to, or enforced by a contract.
contractual n. A contractualized employee; One who is hired as a temporary worker, especially one who is hired for a single project.
contractual n. (Accounting) A charge for a service that is applied through a contract with another provider.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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