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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 2A, 2C, 2L and O

ACRONICALLYACRONICAL adv. occurring at nightfall or sunset, (esp. of the rising or setting of stars), also ACRONIC, ACRONYCAL, ACRONYCHAL.
ACRONYCALLYacronycally adv. In an acronycal manner; rising when the sun sets, and vice versa.
ACRONYCAL adv. occurring at nightfall or sunset, (esp. of the rising or setting of stars), also ACRONIC, ACRONICAL, ACRONYCHAL.
CALCEOLARIAcalceolaria n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Calceolaria.
CALCEOLARIA n. any plant of the South American genus Calceolaria, the plants of which are largely cultivated for the beauty of their slipper-like flowers.
CALCULATIONcalculation n. (Mathematics, uncountable) The act or process of calculating.
calculation n. (Mathematics, countable) The result of calculating.
calculation n. (Countable) Reckoning, estimate.
CALCULATORScalculators n. Plural of calculator.
CALCULATOR n. one that calculates.
CALORICALLYcalorically adv. In a caloric manner.
CALORIC adv. related to heat.
CANONICALLYcanonically adv. In a canonical manner.
CANONICAL adv. included in a standard set of works, also CANONIC.
CARACOLLINGcaracolling v. Present participle of caracol.
CARACOL v. (French) to perform a half turn on a horse, also CARACOLE.
CHAOTICALLYchaotically adv. In a chaotic manner.
CHAOTIC adv. confused.
COLLECTANEAcollectanea n. A selective collection of passages from various sources or by various authors; an anthology.
COLLECTANEA n. a collection of passages, a miscellany.
CONCEALABLEconcealable adj. Able to be concealed.
CONCEALABLE adj. that can be concealed.
COPROLALIACcoprolaliac adj. Exhibiting coprolalia; using obscene words.
coprolaliac n. One who exhibits coprolalia; one who uses obscene language.
COPROLALIAC adj. relating to coprolalia, the uncontrolled, often excessive use of obscene or scatological language that may accompany certain mental disorders.
CYCLOALKANEcycloalkane n. (Organic chemistry) Any saturated alicyclic hydrocarbon.
CYCLOALKANE n. an alicyclic hydrocarbon with a saturated ring, aka cycloparaffin.
LACONICALLYlaconically adv. In a terse manner, given to using few words.
LACONICAL adv. of a person's speech, using few words, terse, also LACONIC.
SARCOCOLLASSARCOCOLLA n. (Greek) a Persian gum from Astragalus or other plants, reputed to heal wounds.
TOCCATELLAStoccatellas n. Plural of toccatella.
TOCCATELLA n. a short toccata.
VOCALICALLYvocalically adv. In terms of, or by means of, a vowel.
VOCALIC adv. of or pertaining to vowel sounds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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