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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2A, 2C, E, M and O

ACCOMMODATEaccommodate v. (Transitive, often reflexive) To render fit, suitable, or correspondent; to adapt.
accommodate v. (Transitive) To cause to come to agreement; to bring about harmony; to reconcile.
accommodate v. (Transitive) To provide housing for.
ACCOMPANIEDaccompanied v. Simple past tense and past participle of accompany.
accompanied adj. Having accompaniment; being part of a group of at least two.
ACCOMPANY v. to escort.
ACCOMPANIERaccompanier n. Someone or something that accompanies.
ACCOMPANIER n. one who accompanies.
ACCOMPANIESaccompanies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of accompany.
ACCOMPANY v. to escort.
ACCOMPTABLEaccomptable adj. (Archaic) Accountable.
ACCOMPTABLE adj. accountable, also ACCOUNTABLE.
ACROMEGALICacromegalic adj. (Pathology) Pertaining to or characteristic of acromegaly.
acromegalic n. (Pathology) A person affected by acromegaly.
ACROMEGALIC adj. relating to acromegaly.
AMINOACETICAMINOACETIC adj. as in aminoacetic acid, another name for glycine.
CACODAEMONScacodaemons n. Plural of cacodaemon.
cacodæmons n. Plural of cacodæmon.
CACODAEMON n. (Greek) an evil spirit, a devil, also CACODEMON.
CALAMANCOEScalamancoes n. Plural of calamanco.
CALAMANCO n. a glossy woollen stuff, plain, striped, or checked.
COCKAMAMIERCOCKAMAMY adj. ridiculous, incredible, also COCKAMAMIE.
COMPEARANCEcompearance n. (Scotland, law) Appearance before a judge in court.
COMPEARANCE n. the state of being a compearant.
MACCARONIESMACCARONI n. (Italian) a form of pasta, also MACARONI.
MACHICOLATEmachicolate v. To furnish with machicolations.
MACHICOLATE v. to furnish with machicolations.
MACROSCALESmacroscales n. Plural of macroscale.
MACROSCALE n. a large often macroscopic scale.
MAILCOACHESmailcoaches n. Plural of mailcoach.
MAILCOACH n. a railway coach specially constructed for the transport of mail, also MAILCAR.
NECROMANIACNECROMANIAC n. one suffering from necromania.
NONACADEMICnonacademic adj. Not academic; not related to academia.
nonacademic n. One who is not an academic.
non-academic adj. Alternative form of nonacademic.
SCARAMOUCHEScaramouche prop.n. A roguish clown character from the 16th-century Italian commedia dell’arte.
SCARAMOUCHE n. a bragging cowardly buffoon, also SCARAMOUCH.
STOMACHACHEstomachache n. A pain in the abdomen, often caused by indigestion. (The pain is usually lower than the stomach and…
stomach␣ache n. Alternative spelling of stomachache.
STOMACHACHE n. pain in or in the region of the stomach.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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