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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 2A, B, G, L, N and O

ABORIGINALSaboriginals n. Plural of aboriginal.
Aboriginals n. Plural of Aboriginal.
ABORIGINAL n. an aborigine.
ANGLOPHOBIAanglophobia n. Alternative letter-case form of Anglophobia.
Anglophobia n. The hatred or fear of England and anything English (or British).
ANGLOPHOBIA n. fear of England or the English.
BACKLOADINGbackloading n. (Transport) The transportation of cargo or shipment on a return trip, using the space already paid for…
backloading v. Present participle of backload.
BACKLOAD v. to load a lorry for a return journey.
BATTLEWAGONbattlewagon n. (Military) A heavily-armed combat vehicle.
battle␣wagon n. Alternative form of battlewagon.
BATTLEWAGON n. a battleship.
CARAMBOLINGcaramboling v. Present participle of carambole.
CARAMBOLE v. (French) to make a cannon in billiards, also CAROM, CARROM.
CONGEALABLEcongealable adj. Able to congeal.
CONGEALABLE adj. that can be congealed.
DIAGNOSABLEdiagnosable adj. Able to be diagnosed; having a cause which can be determined.
DIAGNOSABLE adj. capable of being diagnosed, also DIAGNOSEABLE.
ELABORATINGelaborating v. Present participle of elaborate.
ELABORATE v. to produce by labour.
LABORSAVINGlaborsaving adj. Alternative form of labor-saving.
labor-saving adj. Making work easier or faster.
LABORSAVING adj. of a household device, saving work, also LABOURSAVING.
ORGANISABLEorganisable adj. Alternative form of organizable.
ORGANISABLE adj. that can be organised, also ORGANIZABLE.
ORGANIZABLEorganizable adj. Able to be organized.
ORGANIZABLE adj. that can be organized, also ORGANISABLE.
SAILBOATINGsailboating n. The act of travelling in a sailboat.
SAILBOATING n. the sport of using a sailboat.
ZABAGLIONESzabagliones n. Plural of zabaglione.
ZABAGLIONE n. (Italian) a rich Italian custard, also ZABAIONE, ZABAJONE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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