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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing 2A, B, G, 2I and R

ABORIGINALSaboriginals n. Plural of aboriginal.
Aboriginals n. Plural of Aboriginal.
ABORIGINAL n. an aborigine.
AIRBOARDINGAIRBOARDING n. the sport of riding an airboard.
ARABICISINGarabicising v. Present participle of arabicise.
ARABICISE v. to make Arabic, also ARABICIZE.
ARABICIZINGArabicizing v. Present participle of Arabicize.
ARABICIZE v. to make Arabic.
ARBITRAGINGarbitraging v. Present participle of arbitrage.
ARBITRAGE v. to exploit the market in this way.
ARBITRATINGarbitrating v. Present participle of arbitrate.
ARBITRATE v. to judge as arbiter or arbitrator.
BARBARISINGbarbarising v. Present participle of barbarise.
BARBARISE v. to reduce to a state of barbarism, also BARBARIZE.
BARBARIZINGbarbarizing v. Present participle of barbarize.
BARBARIZE v. to reduce to a state of barbarism, also BARBARISE.
BARGAININGSbargainings n. Plural of bargaining.
BARGAINING n. the act of bargaining.
BARRICADINGbarricading v. Present participle of barricade.
BARRICADE v. (French) to block with a barricade, a temporary defensive barrier.
BEARBAITINGbearbaiting n. A blood sport in which dogs are set upon a chained bear.
bearbaiting n. (Metaphoric) A bloodthirsty free for all.
bearbaiting v. Present participle of bearbait.
BRACHIATINGbrachiating adj. That moves by the use of limbs; especially by swinging through the trees using the arms.
brachiating v. Present participle of brachiate.
BRACHIATE v. to progress by swinging hand over hand, like a gibbon.
CALIBRATINGcalibrating v. Present participle of calibrate.
CALIBRATE v. to determine true values by comparison with an accurate standard.
FABRICATINGfabricating v. Present participle of fabricate.
FABRICATE v. to manufacture; to produce; to devise falsely.
GRADABILITYgradability n. The property of being gradable.
GRADABILITY n. the quality of being gradable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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