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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2A, B, E, K, L and R

BACKLASHERSbacklashers n. Plural of backlasher.
BACKLASHER n. one who backlashes.
BACKSLAPPERbackslapper n. One who makes a show of liking another person with profuse or excessive displays of camaraderie, such…
BACKSLAPPER n. one who backslaps.
BALLBREAKERballbreaker n. Alternative spelling of ball-breaker.
ball-breaker n. (US, idiomatic, vulgar) A person or task which is excessively demanding or punishing.
BALLBREAKER n. (offensive) an aggressively feminist woman.
BLACKHANDERblackhander n. Alternative form of Black Hander.
Blackhander n. Alternative form of Black Hander.
Black␣Hander n. A person who carries on the Black Hand extortion racket.
BLACKHEARTSblackhearts n. Plural of blackheart.
BLACKHEART n. a heart-shaped cherry with a very dark-colored skin.
BLACKMAILERblackmailer n. Someone who blackmails.
BLACKMAILER n. one who commits blackmail.
BLACKWATERSblackwaters n. Plural of blackwater.
BLACKWATER n. a complication of malaria.
DEALBREAKERdealbreaker n. Alternative spelling of deal breaker.
deal␣breaker n. (Idiomatic) An issue which causes a relationship (especially in business) to fail.
DEALBREAKER n. an issue that prevents an agreement from being reached.
HALTERBREAKhalterbreak v. To get an animal used to wearing and being handled in a halter.
HALTERBREAK v. to break (as a colt) to a halter.
JAILBREAKERjailbreaker n. One who breaks out of jail.
JAILBREAKER n. one who escapes from jail.
KLANGFARBESKLANGFARBE n. (German) tone-colour; timbre.
LADDERBACKSladderbacks n. Plural of ladderback.
ladder-backs n. Plural of ladder-back.
ladder␣backs n. Plural of ladder back.
LAWBREAKERSlawbreakers n. Plural of lawbreaker.
law-breakers n. Plural of law-breaker (alternative form of lawbreakers).
LAWBREAKER n. a person who violates the law.
LAWBREAKINGlawbreaking adj. Unlawful; illegal.
lawbreaking n. The commission of a criminal act, the violation or breaking of a law.
LAWBREAKING n. the act of breaking the law.
LEATHERBACKleatherback n. A large sea turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, with a leathery back.
LEATHERBACK n. a kind of large sea turtle.
RACKETBALLSracketballs n. Plural of racketball.
REMARKABLESremarkables n. Remarkable things.
REMARKABLE n. something worthy of remark.
TRACKERBALLtrackerball n. (Computing) Alternative form of trackball.
TRACKERBALL n. a spherical ball that can be rotated with the palm of the hand causing the cursor to move around the screen, also TRACKBALL.
UNBREAKABLEunbreakable adj. Difficult or impossible to break and therefore able to withstand rough usage.
unbreakable adj. (Figurative) Resilient.
unbreakable adj. (Of a horse) Not able to be broken in.
WATTLEBARKSWATTLEBARK n. the bark of various acacias, used for tanning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 112 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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