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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 2A, B, E, G and 2N

ABNEGATIONSabnegations n. Plural of abnegation.
ABNEGATION n. an act of abnegating.
ANNABERGITEannabergite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral consisting of a hydrous nickel arsenate, chemical formula Ni3(AsO4)2·8H2O, with…
ANNABERGITE n. an apple-green mineral, hydrous nickel arsenate.
BAREHANDINGbare␣handing v. Present participle of bare hand.
BAREHAND v. to field the ball in baseball with bare hands rather than with gloves.
BLANCMANGESblancmanges n. Plural of blancmange.
BLANCMANGE n. (French) an opaque jelly made with isinglass or gelatin and milk or (now usually) cornflour and milk, often flavoured and sweetened.
GABAPENTINSGABAPENTIN n. an antiepileptic drug.
GABIONNADESgabionnades n. Plural of gabionnade.
GABIONNADE n. a traverse made with gabions between guns or on their flanks, protecting them from enfilading fire, also GABIONADE.
GANGBANGERSgangbangers n. Plural of gangbanger.
GANGBANGER n. (vulgar) one involved in a gangbang.
HEADBANGINGheadbanging n. A type of dance associated with hard rock or heavy metal music, in which the head is shaken violently…
headbanging v. Present participle of headbang.
HEADBANGING n. the act of shaking the head vigorously in time with loud rock music.
INNAVIGABLEinnavigable adj. Incapable of being navigated; impassable by ships etc.
INNAVIGABLE adj. that cannot be navigated.
INTERABANGSinterabangs n. Plural of interabang.
INTERABANG n. a punctuation mark (?!) designed for use esp. at the end of an exclamatory rhetorical question, also INTERROBANG.
INVAGINABLEINVAGINABLE adj. that can be invaginated.
REBALANCINGrebalancing v. Present participle of rebalance.
rebalancing n. The act or process of restoring balance.
REBALANCE v. to balance again.
UNNAVIGABLEunnavigable adj. Not navigable. Difficult or impossible to navigate.
UNNAVIGABLE adj. not navigable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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