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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 9 eleven-letter words containing 2A, B, 2E, S and V

ABBREVIATESabbreviates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of abbreviate.
ABBREVIATE v. to make briefer.
BASKETWEAVEbasketweave n. A simple woven pattern in which groups of warp and weft threads are interlaced to give a checkerboard appearance.
basket␣weave n. Alternative form of basketweave.
BASKETWEAVE n. a form of weaving using two or more strands in the warp and weft.
BEAVERTAILSbeavertails n. Plural of beavertail.
beaver␣tails n. Plural of beaver tail.
BROADLEAVESbroadleaves n. Plural of broadleaf.
broad-leaves n. Plural of broad-leaf.
BROADLEAF n. a tree having broad leaves, specifically having leaves that are not needles.
HARVESTABLEharvestable adj. Capable of, or suitable for, being harvested.
HARVESTABLE adj. that can be harvested.
LAVERBREADSLAVERBREAD n. a kind of bread made from seaweed.
SALVAGEABLEsalvageable adj. Capable of being salvaged, saved or repaired. Worth rescuing and keeping rather discarding or replacing.
SALVAGEABLE adj. that can be salvaged.
SAVABLENESSsavableness n. Capability of being saved.
SAVABLENESS n. the state of being savable.
TRAVERSABLEtraversable adj. Able to be traversed.
traversable adj. (Law) Deniable; liable to legal objection.
traversable n. (Programming) Any object that can be navigated by traversal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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