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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 2A, B, 2E, P and S

ALPHABETISEalphabetise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of alphabetize.
ALPHABETISE v. to put into alphabetic order, also ALPHABET, ALPHABETIZE.
BATTLESPACEbattlespace n. (Military) The conditions of battle, including terrain, weather, infrastructure, etc., considered in…
BATTLESPACE n. the area of air, sea, and land that is directly involved in war.
BREASTPLATEbreastplate n. A piece of armor that covers the chest.
breastplate n. A piece of horse tack designed to prevent the saddle slipping backwards.
breastplate n. A piece of silicone in the shape of women’s breasts worn by drag queens and other female impersonators…
CAPABLENESScapableness n. The state or quality of being capable.
CAPABLENESS n. the state of being capable.
CARBAPENEMScarbapenems n. Plural of carbapenem.
INESCAPABLEinescapable adj. Impossible (unable) to avoid or escape; not escapable.
INESCAPABLE adj. that cannot be escaped.
INSEPARABLEinseparable adj. Unable to be separated; bound together permanently.
inseparable n. Something that cannot be separated from something else.
INSEPARABLE adj. that cannot be separated, also UNSEPARABLE.
PALLBEARERSpallbearers n. Plural of pallbearer.
PALLBEARER n. a person who helps to carry the coffin at a funeral.
PALPEBRATESPALPEBRATE v. to wink or blink repeatedly.
PARABLEPSESparablepses n. Plural of parablepsis.
PARABLEPSIS n. false vision; oversight, also PARABLEPSY.
PERSUADABLEpersuadable adj. Able to be persuaded or convinced.
persuadable n. (Usually in the plural) Someone or something that can be persuaded.
PERSUADABLE adj. capable of being persuaded, also PERSUASIBLE.
PLEASURABLEpleasurable adj. That gives pleasure.
PLEASURABLE adj. giving pleasure.
TABOPARESESTABOPARESIS n. an effect of syphilitic infection of the nervous system in which there are symptoms of tabes dorsalis and general paresis.
UNESCAPABLEunescapable adj. Impossible to avoid or escape, not escapable; ineluctable.
UNESCAPABLE adj. not escapable.
UNSEPARABLEunseparable adj. Not separable; inseparable.
UNSEPARABLE adj. (Shakespeare) inseparable, also INSEPARABLE.
UNSPEAKABLEunspeakable adj. Incapable of being spoken or uttered.
unspeakable adj. Impossible to speak about.
unspeakable adj. Unfit or not permitted to be spoken or described.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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