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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 2A, B, C, S, T and U

ACCUBATIONSACCUBATION n. the act of reclining while eating.
ACETABULUMSacetabulums n. Plural of acetabulum.
ACETABULUM n. (Latin) a cuplike hollow on the hipbone to receive the thighbone.
ARCUBALISTSarcubalists n. Plural of arcubalist.
ARCUBALIST n. a crossbow.
BACTERURIASbacterurias n. Plural of bacteruria.
BACTERURIA n. the presence of bacteria in the urine, also BACTERIURIA.
BARRACOUTASbarracoutas n. Plural of barracouta.
BARRACOUTA n. (Spanish) a large marine fish resembling the mackerel, aka snoek.
BEAUTICIANSbeauticians n. Plural of beautician.
BEAUTICIAN n. a person engaged in hairdressing, facial makeup, manicuring, etc.
BUREAUCRATSbureaucrats n. Plural of bureaucrat.
BUREAUCRAT n. a member of a bureaucracy.
CAUSABILITYcausability n. The condition of being causable.
CAUSABILITY n. the ability to be caused.
HABITAUNCESHABITAUNCE n. (Spenser) dwelling-place.
OUTBALANCESoutbalances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outbalance.
OUTBALANCE v. to outweigh; to exceed in weight or effect.
STAUNCHABLESTAUNCHABLE adj. that can be staunched, also STANCHABLE.
SUBACETATESsubacetates n. Plural of subacetate.
SUBACETATE n. an acetate in smaller proportion.
SUBALLOCATEsuballocate v. (Transitive) To allocate further (something already allocated).
SUBSCHEMATAsubschemata n. Plural of subschema.
SUBSCHEMA n. part of a schema.
SUBTACKSMANSUBTACKSMAN n. a holder (of land) by subtack.
ULTRABASICSultrabasics n. Plural of ultrabasic.
ULTRABASIC n. a rock very poor in silica.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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