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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing 2A, B, C, N and 2T

ABLACTATIONablactation n. The weaning of a child from the breast, or of young animals from their dam.
ablactation n. (Obsolete, horticulture) Inarching.
ABLACTATION n. the weaning of a child from its mother's milk.
ABSTRACTINGabstracting v. Present participle of abstract.
ABSTRACT v. to draw away.
ABSTRACTIONabstraction n. The act of abstracting, separating, withdrawing, or taking away; withdrawal; the state of being taken away.
abstraction n. A separation from worldly objects; a recluse life; the withdrawal from one’s senses.
abstraction n. The act of focusing on one characteristic of an object rather than the object as a whole group of characteristics;…
ANTITOBACCOantitobacco adj. Opposed to tobacco, often specifically to either the tobacco industry or public smoking.
ANTITOBACCO adj. opposed to the use of tobacco.
CARBONATITEcarbonatite n. (Geology) Any intrusive igneous rock having a majority of carbonate minerals.
CARBONATITE n. any igneous rock composed chiefly of carbonates rather than silicates.
COHABITANTScohabitants n. Plural of cohabitant.
COHABITANT n. one who dwells with another, or in the same place or country.
CONTACTABLEcontactable adj. Able to be contacted.
CONTACTABLE adj. that can be contacted.
INTRACTABLEintractable adj. Not tractable; not able to be managed, controlled, governed or directed.
intractable adj. (Mathematics) (of a mathematical problem) Not able to be solved.
intractable adj. (Of a problem) Difficult to deal with, solve, or manage.
INTRACTABLYintractably adv. In an intractable manner; uncontrollably; unmanageably.
INTRACTABLE adv. unmanageable, also UNTRACTABLE.
NONABSTRACTnonabstract adj. Not abstract.
NONABSTRACT adj. not abstract.
TABEFACTIONtabefaction n. (Archaic) A gradual loss of flesh due to disease.
TABEFACTION n. wasting away, emaciation.
UNTRACTABLEuntractable adj. Intractable.
UNTRACTABLE adj. unmanageable, also INTRACTABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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