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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 2A, B, C, E, M and S

ACETABULUMSacetabulums n. Plural of acetabulum.
ACETABULUM n. (Latin) a cuplike hollow on the hipbone to receive the thighbone.
AMBUSCADERSambuscaders n. Plural of ambuscader.
AMBUSCADER n. one who ambuscades.
AMBUSCADOESambuscadoes n. Plural of ambuscado, ambuscades, ambushes.
AMBUSCADO n. an ambuscade, also AMBUSCADE.
ASSEMBLANCEassemblance n. (Obsolete) Resemblance; likeness; appearance.
assemblance n. (Obsolete) An assembling; assemblage.
ASSEMBLANCE n. (Spenser) an assembly, also ASSEMBLAUNCE.
BACILLEMIASBACILLEMIA n. the presence of bacilli in the blood, also BACILLAEMIA.
BACKMARKERSbackmarkers n. Plural of backmarker.
BACKMARKER n. a person who starts a race with the least advantageous handicap.
BACKSTAMPEDBACKSTAMP v. to mark with a backstamp.
BACTEREMIASbacteremias n. Plural of bacteremia.
BACTEREMIA n. the presence of bacteria in the blood, also BACTERAEMIA.
BLANCMANGESblancmanges n. Plural of blancmange.
BLANCMANGE n. (French) an opaque jelly made with isinglass or gelatin and milk or (now usually) cornflour and milk, often flavoured and sweetened.
BLASTEMATICblastematic adj. (Biology) Connected with, or proceeding from, the blastema; blastemal.
BLASTEMATIC adj. of or like a blastema.
CARBAPENEMScarbapenems n. Plural of carbapenem.
CHAMBRANLESchambranles n. Plural of chambranle.
CHAMBRANLE n. (French) decoration around a door frame or fireplace.
COMPASSABLEcompassable adj. Capable of being compassed or accomplished.
COMPASSABLE adj. that can be compassed.
MACEBEARERSmacebearers n. Plural of macebearer.
mace-bearers n. Plural of mace-bearer.
MACEBEARER n. one who carries a mace.
MISBALANCEDmisbalanced v. Simple past tense and past participle of misbalance.
MISBALANCE v. to balance mistakenly.
MISBALANCESmisbalances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misbalance.
misbalances n. Plural of misbalance.
MISBALANCE v. to balance mistakenly.
SUBSCHEMATAsubschemata n. Plural of subschema.
SUBSCHEMA n. part of a schema.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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