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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 3A, I, M, P and R

DIAPHRAGMALdiaphragmal adj. Of or relating to the diaphragm.
DIAPHRAGMAL adj. relating to the diaphragm.
GRAPHOMANIAgraphomania n. The compulsion to write.
graphomania n. (Art) Used as part of the name of various surrealist techniques, e.g., a method in which dots are made…
GRAPHOMANIA n. an obsession with writing.
LAMPADARIESLAMPADARY n. in the Greek Church, someone who looks after the lamps and carries a lighted taper before the patriarch.
MALAPROPIANmalapropian adj. Malapropic.
MALAPROPIAN adj. relating to malapropism.
PARABAPTISMparabaptism n. A baptism not authorised by the established church.
PARABAPTISM n. uncanonical baptism.
PARABEMATICPARABEMATIC adj. of or like a parabema.
PARAMAECIUMparamaecium n. Archaic form of paramecium.
PARAMAECIUM n. a microscopic unicellular ciliate protozoa, also PARAMECIUM, PARAMOECIUM.
PARAMASTOIDparamastoid adj. (Anatomy) Situated beside, or near, the mastoid portion of the temporal bone; paroccipital; applied…
paramastoid n. (Anatomy) A paramastoid process.
PARAMASTOID adj. situated near the mastoid, paroccipital.
PARAMEDICALparamedical adj. Of or relating to the provision of emergency medical treatment.
paramedical adj. Of or relating to a paramedic.
paramedical n. Alternative form of paramedic.
PARAMNESIASparamnesias n. Plural of paramnesia.
PARAMNESIA n. abnormality of memory, esp. forgetting of meaning of words.
PARASOMNIASparasomnias n. Plural of parasomnia.
PARASOMNIA n. any of several sleep disorders characterized by abnormal or unusual behaviour of the nervous system during any of the stages of sleep.
PARONOMASIAparonomasia n. (Rhetoric) A pun or play on words.
PARONOMASIA n. a play on words, a pun.
PRAGMATICALpragmatical adj. Alternative form of pragmatic (“practical”).
pragmatical adj. Alternative form of pragmatic (“officious, meddlesome”).
pragmatical adj. (Law) Relating to affairs of state.
PROTHALAMIAprothalamia n. Plural of prothalamion.
prothalamia n. Plural of prothalamium.
PROTHALAMIUM n. (Spenser) a song in honour of a marriage, also PROTHALAMION.
RAMPALLIANSrampallians n. Plural of rampallian.
RAMPALLIAN n. (Shakespeare) a mean wretch.
SPARAGMATICsparagmatic adj. Relating to sparagmos.
SPARAGMATIC adj. like a Sparagmite, a type of Precambrian rock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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