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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 3A, E, M, R and T

AMARANTHINEamaranthine n. A dark reddish-purple colour.
amaranthine n. The amaranth flower.
amaranthine adj. Of a dark reddish purple colour.
AMBILATERALambilateral adj. (Medicine) Affecting both sides of the body, or of an organ.
AMBILATERAL adj. relating to or involving both sides.
APARTMENTALapartmental adj. Of or relating to apartment buildings.
APARTMENTAL adj. relating to an apartment.
BACTERAEMIAbacteraemia n. The medical condition of having bacteria in the bloodstream.
bacteræmia n. Alternative spelling of bacteraemia.
BACTERAEMIA n. the presence of bacteria in the blood, also BACTEREMIA.
CRASSAMENTAcrassamenta n. Plural of crassamentum.
CRASSAMENTUM n. (Latin) a clot of blood.
HAEMATURIAShaematurias n. Plural of haematuria.
HAEMATURIA n. the presence of blood in the urine, also HEMATURIA.
MANDARINATEmandarinate n. (Obsolete) The status of holding a position as a mandarin.
mandarinate n. The collective body of mandarins.
mandarinate n. A political form of rule by mandarins.
MANDATARIESmandataries n. Plural of mandatary.
MANDATARY n. the holder of a mandate, also MANDATORY.
MARGRAVATESmargravates n. Plural of margravate.
MARGRAVATE n. the jurisdiction or position of a margrave, also MARGRAVIATE.
MARGRAVIATEmargraviate n. Alternative form of margravate.
MARGRAVIATE n. the jurisdiction or position of a margrave, also MARGRAVATE.
METACARPALSmetacarpals n. Plural of metacarpal.
METACARPAL n. a bone of the metacarpus.
METATARSALSmetatarsals n. Plural of metatarsal.
METATARSAL n. a bone of the metatarsus.
PARABEMATICPARABEMATIC adj. of or like a parabema.
PARACETAMOLparacetamol n. (Pharmacology) a synthetic compound used as a drug to relieve and reduce fever, usually taken in tablet form.
PARACETAMOL n. a mild analgesic and antipyretic drug, often recommended instead of aspirin.
PARAMAGNETSparamagnets n. Plural of paramagnet.
PARAMAGNET n. an ordinary magnet as opposed to a diamagnet.
SACRAMENTALsacramental adj. Used in, or relating to, a sacrament.
sacramental n. (Christianity, chiefly Roman Catholicism) An object (such as holy water or a crucifix) or an action…
SACRAMENTAL adj. of or like a sacrament.
TULARAEMIASTULARAEMIA n. a disease of rodents caused by a bacterium, and transmissible to humans, also TULAREMIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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