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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing 3A, C, D, I and N

ABECEDARIANabecedarian n. Someone who is learning the alphabet.
abecedarian n. An elementary student, a novice; one in the early steps of learning.
abecedarian n. (Archaic) Someone engaged in teaching the alphabet; an elementary teacher; one that teaches the methods…
ACADEMICIANacademician n. (Now chiefly US) A member (especially a senior one) of the faculty at a college or university; an academic.
academician n. A member or follower of an academy, or society for promoting science, art, or literature, such as the…
Academician n. The title for someone who is an academician.
ACIDANTHERAacidanthera n. Any of the gladioli previously placed in the genus Acidanthera.
ACIDANTHERA n. a plant of the genus Acidanthera of white-flowered plants of NE Africa.
AFICIONADASaficionadas n. Plural of aficionada.
AFICIONADA n. a female aficionado.
ANACARDIUMSANACARDIUM n. a genus of plants including the cashew tree.
ANTIRADICALantiradical adj. (Biochemistry) Counteracting free radicals.
antiradical adj. (Politics) Opposing or countering a radical ideology.
antiradical n. (Medicine) A drug that counter free radicals.
ARACHNIDANSarachnidans n. Plural of arachnidan.
ARACHNIDAN n. any member of class Arachnida.
ARACHNOIDALarachnoidal adj. (Anatomy) Pertaining to the arachnoid mater; arachnoid.
ARACHNOIDAL adj. like a cobweb, covered with fine hairs.
CANTHARIDALcantharidal adj. Of or pertaining to cantharides.
CANTHARIDAL adj. of or like a cantharid, also CANTHARIDIAN, CANTHARIDIC.
CARDINALATEcardinalate n. The dignity and ecclesiastic office of Roman Catholic cardinal.
cardinalate n. Collective term for the cardinals.
CARDINALATE n. the office or dignity of cardinal; the cardinals collectively.
CARYATIDEANcaryatidean adj. Of or relating to a caryatid.
CARYATIDEAN adj. of or like a caryatid, a draped female figure supporting an entablature, also CARYATIC, CARYATIDAL, CARYATIDIC.
CAVALCADINGcavalcading v. Present participle of cavalcade.
CAVALCADE v. to ride in a cavalcade.
METAVANADICMETAVANADIC adj. as in metavanadic acid, an acid of vanadium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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