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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing 3A, B, N, R and S

ALABASTRINEalabastrine adj. Of, pertaining to, or like, alabaster.
ALABASTRINE adj. of or like alabaster.
ANABRANCHESanabranches n. Plural of anabranch.
ANABRANCH n. a stream that leaves a river and reenters lower down.
ARABISATIONArabisation n. That which has been Arabised.
Arabisation n. The process of Arabising.
ARABISATION n. the process of arabising, also ARABIZATION.
BARASINGHASbarasinghas n. Plural of barasingha.
BARASINGHA n. (Hindi) the Indian swamp-deer, also BARASINGA.
BARRAMUNDASbarramundas n. Plural of barramunda.
BARRAMUNDA n. (Native Australian) an Australian river-fish, also BARRAMUNDI, BURRAMUNDI.
BASICRANIALbasicranial adj. Of or pertaining to the basicranium.
BASICRANIAL adj. of or relating to the base of the skull.
BATRACHIANSbatrachians n. Plural of batrachian.
BATRACHIAN n. a frog or toad.
CANDELABRAScandelabras n. Plural of candelabra.
CANDELABRA n. a candleholder.
MANGABEIRASMANGABEIRA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian apocynaceous rubber tree.
PARABOLANUSparabolanus n. (Historical, Christianity) In the early Eastern Church, a lay assistant to the clergy for tending the sick.
PARABOLANUS n. in the early eastern church, a layman who tends the sick.
SABBATARIANSabbatarian n. A person who regards and keeps the seventh day of the week ("Saturday", the Israelite or Jewish Sabbath)…
Sabbatarian n. A person who regards and keeps the first day of the week as holy and often considers it as a replacement…
Sabbatarian n. A person who favors the strict observance of the Sabbath (either the sixth, seventh, or first day of the week).
SCARABAEANSSCARABAEAN n. a lamellicorn beetle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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