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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing A, 2O, 2R, T and Y

DEROGATORYderogatory adj. Disparaging.
derogatory adj. (Usually with to) Tending to derogate…
derogatory adj. (Law, of a clause in a testament) Being or pertaining to a derogatory clause.
LABORATORYlaboratory n. A room, building or institution equipped for scientific research, experimentation or analysis.
laboratory n. A place where chemicals, drugs or microbes are prepared or manufactured.
LABORATORY n. a place equipped for experimental study in a science or for testing and analysis, also ELABORATORY.
LEVOROTARYlevorotary adj. Levorotatory.
LEVOROTARY adj. counterclockwise; rotating the plane of polarization of light to the left, also LAEVOROTATORY, LEVOROTATORY.
LORDOLATRYlordolatry n. Worship of, or reverence for, lords.
LORDOLATRY n. worship of nobility.
ORTHOPRAXYorthopraxy n. Correct practice or action.
orthopraxy n. Right belief combined with right practice, with the emphasis being on the latter, a term specially used…
ORTHOPRAXY n. the treatment of deformities in the human body by mechanical appliances.
PROCARYOTEprocaryote n. Alternative spelling of prokaryote.
PROCARYOTE n. a bacterium or blue-green algae whose nucleus lacks a limiting membrane, also PROKARYOT, PROKARYOTE.
PROKARYOTEprokaryote n. An organism whose cell (or cells) are characterized by the absence of a nucleus or any other membrane-bound…
prokaryote n. In the two-empire system of biological taxonomy, an organism of the kingdom Prokaryotae (now superseded).
PROKARYOTE n. a bacterium or blue-green algae whose nucleus lacks a limiting membrane, also PROCARYOTE, PROKARYOT.
PROKARYOTSPROKARYOT n. a bacterium or blue-green algae whose nucleus lacks a limiting membrane, also PROCARYOTE, PROKARYOTE.
REVOCATORYrevocatory adj. Of or pertaining to revocation; revocative; tending to revoke or recall.
REVOCATORY adj. of or pertaining to revocation.
ROADWORTHYroadworthy adj. Being able to be driven, or suitable for driving, on the open road.
ROADWORTHY adj. able to be used on a road.
ROADWORTHY n. in South Africa, a certificate for a roadworthy vehicle.
STORYBOARDstoryboard n. A series of drawings that lay out the sequence of scenes in a film or series, especially an animated one.
storyboard n. Any sequence of drawings or diagrams which illustrate a sequence of events, e.g. in an accident or as…
storyboard v. To create and arrange storyboard drawings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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