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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, N, O, 2P, R and T

APOPROTEINapoprotein n. (Biochemistry) The polypeptide part of a conjugated protein; for example, an apolipoprotein plus a lipid…
APOPROTEIN n. the protein component of a conjugated protein.
APPARITIONapparition n. An act of becoming visible; appearance; visibility.
apparition n. The thing appearing; a visible object; a form.
apparition n. An unexpected, wonderful, or preternatural appearance; especially something such as a ghost or phantom.
APPOINTERSappointers n. Plural of appointer.
APPOINTER n. one who appoints.
APPOINTORSappointors n. Plural of appointor.
APPOINTOR n. a person who is given (by the owner) the power to appoint property to other persons.
APPORTIONSapportions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of apportion.
APPORTION v. to portion out.
CONTRAPROPCONTRAPROP n. a contra-rotating propeller.
NOTEPAPERSnotepapers n. Plural of notepaper.
NOTEPAPER n. writing paper intended for letters.
PANTOGRAPHpantograph n. A mechanical linkage based on parallelograms causing two objects to move in parallel; notably as a drawing aid.
pantograph n. By extension, a structure of crosswise bars linked in such a way that it can extend and compress like…
pantograph n. A pattern printed on a document to reduce the ease of photocopying.
PORNOTOPIApornotopia n. A fantasy world in which everyone is ready and willing to indulge in all kinds of sexual activity.
PORNOTOPIA n. a perfect setting for the antics of pornography.
PREAPPOINTpreappoint v. (Transitive) To appoint beforehand.
PREAPPOINT v. to appoint previously, or beforehand.
PROPELLANTpropellant n. Anything that propels.
propellant adj. Alternative spelling of propellent.
PROPELLANT n. something that propels, also PROPELLENT.
PROPIONATEpropionate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of propionic acid.
PROPIONATE n. a salt of propionic acid.
PROTANOPESprotanopes n. Plural of protanope.
PROTANOPE n. a sufferer from protanopia, colour-blindness with respect to red.
PROTANOPIAprotanopia n. (Pathology) A form of color blindness. Involves a defect in distinguishing between red and green.
PROTANOPIA n. colour-blindness with respect to red.
PROTANOPICprotanopic adj. Exhibiting or relating to protanopia.
PROTANOPIC adj. colour-blind to red.
REAPPOINTSreappoints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reappoint.
REAPPOINT v. to appoint again.
THORNAPPLEthornapple n. Alternative form of thorn apple.
thorn␣apple n. Any of several species of plants bearing thorns and apple-like fruit…
TRYPTOPHANtryptophan n. (Biochemistry) An essential amino acid having an indole side chain; it is present in many foods, especially…
TRYPTOPHAN n. an essential amino acid, also TRYPTOPHANE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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