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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, N, 2O, P and 2R

ANDROPHOREandrophore n. (Botany) A support or column on which stamens are raised.
androphore n. (Zoology) The part which, in some Siphonophorae, bears the male gonophores.
ANDROPHORE n. a support or column on which stamens are raised.
CONTRAPROPCONTRAPROP n. a contra-rotating propeller.
GASTROPORNgastroporn n. Enticing food imagery, typically found in books, magazines, social media , and television programs related…
GASTROPORN n. the representation of food in a highly sensual manner.
HARPOONEERharpooneer n. A harpooner, one who uses a harpoon to hunt whales.
HARPOONEER n. one who uses a harpoon, also HARPOONER.
HARPOONERSharpooners n. Plural of harpooner.
HARPOONER n. one who uses a harpoon, also HARPOONEER.
INCORPORALincorporal adj. Obsolete form of incorporeal.
INCORPORAL adj. (archaic) incorporeal, also INCORPORALL.
NEUROSPORANeurospora prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Sordariaceae – ascomycete fungi with characteristic striations on…
NEUROSPORA n. any of a genus of ascomycetous fungi, used extensively in genetic research.
NONPROGRAMnonprogram adj. Not of or pertaining to a program (set of structured activities).
nonprogram n. That which is not a program.
NONPROGRAM adj. not relating to a program.
OROPHARYNXoropharynx n. (Anatomy) The oral part of the pharynx, reaching from the uvula to the level of the hyoid bone.
oro-pharynx n. Alternative spelling of oropharynx.
OROPHARYNX n. the part of the pharynx between the soft palate and the epiglottis.
ORPHARIONSorpharions n. Plural of orpharion.
ORPHARION n. a large lute-like stringed instrument with six to nine metal strings, also ORPHEOREON.
PERORATIONperoration n. The concluding section of a discourse, either written or oral, in which the orator or writer sums up…
peroration n. A discourse or rhetorical argument in general.
PERORATION n. the concluding part of a discourse; a highly rhetorical speech.
PERSONATORpersonator n. One who personates.
PERSONATOR n. one who personates.
PORNOCRACYpornocracy prop.n. (Roman Catholicism, historical, sometimes capitalized) The period of the papacy known as the saeculum…
pornocracy n. (Derogatory, often figuratively) A government by, or dominated by, prostitutes or corrupt persons.
pornocracy n. (Derogatory) A societal culture dominated by pornography.
PROCARYONSPROCARYON n. the nucleus of a blue-green alga, bacterium etc., also PROKARYON.
PROKARYONSPROKARYON n. the nucleus of a blue-green alga, bacterium etc., also PROCARYON.
PRONATORESpronatores n. Plural of pronator.
PRONATOR n. a forearm or forelimb muscle.
PRORATIONSprorations n. Plural of proration.
PRORATION n. the act of prorating, sharing out.
RAINPROOFSrainproofs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rainproof.
RAINPROOF v. to make proof against rain.
TROPARIONStroparions n. Plural of troparion.
TROPARION n. (Greek) in the Greek Church, a stanza or short hymn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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