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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, M, O, 2R and 2S

APRIORISMSapriorisms n. Plural of apriorism.
APRIORISM n. an a priori principle.
ARMOURLESSarmourless adj. Alternative form of armorless.
ARMOURLESS adj. without armour, also ARMORLESS.
BARNSTORMSbarnstorms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of barnstorm.
barnstorms n. Plural of barnstorm.
BARNSTORM v. to tour country areas giving theatrical performances.
BROMEGRASSbromegrass n. Any of various North American grasses, of the genus Bromus, that are used for forage.
BROMEGRASS n. a kind of grass resembling oats, also BROME.
CAMORRISTSCamorrists n. Plural of Camorrist.
CAMORRIST n. a member of a camorra, also CAMORRISTA.
MARMAROSESMARMAROSIS n. the conversion of limestone into marble.
MARMAROSISmarmarosis n. (Geology) The metamorphosis of limestone into marble.
MARMAROSIS n. the conversion of limestone into marble.
MARROWLESSmarrowless adj. Without marrow.
MARROWLESS adj. destitute of marrow.
MARSHWORTSmarshworts n. Plural of marshwort.
MARSHWORT n. a small umbelliferous marsh plant related to celery.
MORALISERSmoralisers n. Plural of moraliser.
MORALISER n. one who moralises, also MORALIZER.
MORTARLESSmortarless adj. Without mortar.
MORTARLESS adj. without mortar.
RAINSTORMSrainstorms n. Plural of rainstorm.
RAINSTORM n. a storm of rain.
ROSEMARIESrosemaries n. Plural of rosemary.
ROSEMARY n. an evergreen shrub.
ROSMARINESROSMARINE n. (Spenser) a mythical walrus-like sea animal that feeds on dew.
SARCOMERESsarcomeres n. Plural of sarcomere.
SARCOMERE n. a unit of myofibril, in muscle.
SERRASALMOSerrasalmo prop.n. A former piranha genus, now classified under Pygocentrus.
SERRASALMO n. a fish of the piranha genus.
SPIROGRAMSspirograms n. Plural of spirogram.
SPIROGRAM n. a record made by a spirograph, an instrument recording movements of breathing.
STRAWWORMSstrawworms n. Plural of strawworm.
STRAWWORM n. a caddice worm.
STRONGARMSstrongarms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of strongarm.
strongarms n. Plural of strongarm.
strong-arms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of strong-arm.
TRANSFORMStransforms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of transform.
transforms n. Plural of transform.
TRANSFORM v. to change into another form.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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