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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, M, 2O, R, S and Y

ACRONYMOUSacronymous adj. Pertaining to the use of acronyms.
ACRONYMOUS adj. of or like an acronym, a word formed from the initial letters of other words.
COSMOLATRYcosmolatry n. Worship paid to the world.
cosmolatry n. Worship of the cosmos.
COSMOLATRY n. worship of the world.
DOOMSAYERSdoomsayers n. Plural of doomsayer.
DOOMSAYER n. one who prophesies doom, also DOOMSDAYER.
DOOMSDAYERdoomsdayer n. Synonym of doomsayer.
DOOMSDAYER n. one who prophesies doom, also DOOMSAYER.
DYNAMOTORSdynamotors n. Plural of dynamotor.
DYNAMOTOR n. a kind of electrical machine.
GASTRONOMYgastronomy n. The art of preparing and eating good food.
gastronomy n. The study of the relationship between food and culture.
gastronomy n. The cooking of a particular area.
GASTROTOMYgastrotomy n. (Surgery) Any form of incision into the stomach.
GASTROTOMY n. a cutting into, or opening of, the abdomen or the stomach, also GASTROSTOMY.
HYDROSOMALhydrosomal adj. Relating to the hydrosoma.
HYDROSOMAL adj. relating to a hydrosoma, a hydroid colony.
KARYOSOMESkaryosomes n. Plural of karyosome.
KARYOSOME n. a spherical aggregation of chromatin in a resting nucleus during mitosis.
MONOLAYERSmonolayers n. Plural of monolayer.
MONOLAYER n. a single continuous layer or film that is one molecule in thickness.
MONOSTYLARMONOSTYLAR adj. consisting of a single shaft, also MONOSTYLE.
MOOSEYARDSmooseyards n. Plural of mooseyard.
MOOSEYARD n. an area where a moose treads down the snow and spends the winter.
MYCOFLORASmycofloras n. Plural of mycoflora.
MYCOFLORA n. the fungi characteristic of a region.
OSMOLARITYosmolarity n. (Chemistry) The osmotic concentration of a solution, normally expressed as osmoles of solute per litre of solution.
OSMOLARITY n. the quality of being osmotic.
PARONOMASYparonomasy n. Archaic form of paronomasia.
PARONOMASY n. (obsolete) paronomasia.
PARONYMOUSparonymous adj. (Semantics) Having the same root or derivation; conjugate.
paronymous adj. (Semantics) Having a similar sound, but different orthography and different meaning.
PARONYMOUS adj. having the nature of a paronym.
SOMNIATORYsomniatory adj. (Obsolete, rare) Pertaining to sleep or dreams; somnial.
SOMNIATORY adj. pertaining to sleep or dreams, also SOMNIATIVE.
STRABOTOMYstrabotomy n. (Surgery) The surgical procedure of cutting or making an incision in a muscle or tendon of the eye to…
STRABOTOMY n. surgical removal of a squint.
STYROFOAMSstyrofoams n. Plural of styrofoam.
STYROFOAM n. (tradename) a type of expanded plastic made from polystyrene.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 43 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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