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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, M, N, O, P, S and U

ASSUMPTIONassumption n. The act of assuming, or taking to or upon oneself; the act of taking up or adopting.
assumption n. The act of taking for granted, or supposing a thing without proof; a supposition; an unwarrantable claim.
assumption n. The thing supposed; a postulate, or proposition assumed; a supposition.
COMPUTANTScomputants n. Plural of computant.
COMPUTANT n. a person who calculates.
MENOPAUSALmenopausal adj. Of, or pertaining to the menopause.
MENOPAUSAL adj. relating to the menopause, also MENOPAUSIC.
MENOPAUSESmenopauses n. Plural of menopause.
MENOPAUSE n. the period during which a woman's menstrual cycle ceases.
MENOPAUSICMENOPAUSIC adj. relating to the menopause, also MENOPAUSAL.
NEUROPLASMneuroplasm n. The protoplasm of a nerve cell.
NEUROPLASM n. the protoplasm of a nerve cell.
OMNIPAROUSomniparous adj. Producing all things; omniparient.
OMNIPAROUS adj. producing all things.
PARAMOUNTSparamounts n. Plural of paramount.
PARAMOUNT n. an overlord; a supreme ruler or proprietor.
PARONYMOUSparonymous adj. (Semantics) Having the same root or derivation; conjugate.
paronymous adj. (Semantics) Having a similar sound, but different orthography and different meaning.
PARONYMOUS adj. having the nature of a paronym.
PNEUMONIASpneumonias n. Plural of pneumonia.
PNEUMONIA n. a disease of the lungs.
PULMONATESpulmonates n. Plural of pulmonate.
PULMONATE n. a member of the Pulmonata, an air-breathing order or subclass of Gastropoda.
SPORANGIUMsporangium n. (Botany, mycology) A case, capsule, or container in which spores are produced by an organism.
SPORANGIUM n. a chamber inside of which spores are produced through meiosis.
SUPERWOMANsuperwoman n. (Informal) A woman who looks after a home and children as well as being employed in a full-time job.
superwoman n. A woman with superhuman powers.
SUPERWOMAN n. an exceptional woman.
UTOPIANISMutopianism n. The belief in a system for an ideal society, usually regarded as unrealistic.
Utopianism n. Alternative letter-case form of utopianism.
UTOPIANISM n. the ideas, views, aims, etc., of a Utopian.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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