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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, L, P, R, S and 2T

PARASTATALparastatal n. (Chiefly Africa) A company, agency, or intergovernmental organization that possesses political clout…
parastatal adj. Pertaining to such a company or group.
PARASTATAL adj. indirectly controlled by the state.
PARTIALISTpartialist n. One who is partial.
partialist n. (Theology) One who holds that the atonement was made only for a part of mankind, i.e. for the elect.
PARTIALIST n. someone who is biased, partial.
PLUTOCRATSplutocrats n. Plural of plutocrat.
PLUTOCRAT n. a member of the wealthy ruling class.
POSTULATORpostulator n. A person who postulates something as the basis of an argument.
postulator n. A Roman Catholic official who makes the case for the beatification or canonization of a proposed saint.
POSTULATOR n. an official who presents case for canonization or beatification.
PREBUTTALSprebuttals n. Plural of prebuttal.
PREBUTTAL n. a prepared response to an anticipated criticism.
PRELATISTSprelatists n. Plural of prelatist.
PRELATIST n. a supporter or adherent of prelacy or episcopacy.
PROTOPLASTprotoplast adj. (Obsolete) Created first; archetypal.
protoplast n. The first-created human; Adam.
protoplast n. (Rare) A prototype or archetype; a model.
RATTLEPODSrattlepods n. Plural of rattlepod.
RATTLEPODS n. a genus of plants and shrubs with pods in which the seeds rattle, aka crotalaria.
SALTPETERSsaltpeters n. Plural of saltpeter.
saltpeters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of saltpeter.
SALTPETER n. (US) potassium nitrate, the chief constituent of gunpowder, also SALTPETRE.
SALTPETRESsaltpetres n. Plural of saltpetre.
saltpetres v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of saltpetre.
SALTPETRE n. potassium nitrate, the chief constituent of gunpowder, also SALTPETER.
SPLATTEREDsplattered v. Simple past tense and past participle of splatter.
SPLATTER v. to spatter, to splash.
SPRATTLINGsprattling v. Present participle of sprattle.
SPRATTLE v. (Scots) to scramble.
STIPULATORstipulator n. A person who stipulates.
STIPULATOR n. one who stipulates.
STREETLAMPstreetlamp n. A lamp that illuminates a street or sidewalk.
street-lamp n. Alternative form of street lamp.
street␣lamp n. (Countable) Streetlight.
TETRAPOLIStetrapolis n. A group of four cities.
TETRAPOLIS n. a group of four cities.
TRANSEPTALtranseptal adj. Alternative form of transseptal.
transeptal adj. Relating to a transept.
TRANSEPTAL adj. of or like a transept, the part of a church off to one side of main structure.
TRANSPLANTtransplant v. (Transitive) To uproot (a growing plant), and plant it in another place.
transplant v. (Transitive) To remove (something) and establish its residence in another place; to resettle or relocate.
transplant v. (Transitive, medicine) To transfer (tissue or an organ) from one body to another, or from one part of…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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