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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, L, O, 2R, S and U

ARMOURLESSarmourless adj. Alternative form of armorless.
ARMOURLESS adj. without armour, also ARMORLESS.
BARROWFULSbarrowfuls n. Plural of barrowful.
BARROWFUL n. the contents of a barrow.
BURLADEROSburladeros n. Plural of burladero.
BURLADERO n. (Spanish) the wooden barrier in a bullring used for protection.
CARROUSELScarrousels n. Plural of carrousel.
CARROUSEL n. a merry-go-round; a circular magazine for a slide projector, also CAROUSEL.
CLAMOURERSclamourers n. Plural of clamourer.
CLAMOURER n. one who makes a clamour, also CLAMORER.
COURBARILScourbarils n. Plural of courbaril.
COURBARIL n. the West Indian locust-tree.
FLAVOURERSflavourers n. Plural of flavourer.
FLAVOURER n. one who flavours, also FLAVORER.
FLUORSPARSfluorspars n. Plural of fluorspar.
FLUORSPAR n. a mineral, calcium fluoride, also FLUOR, FLUORITE.
GROSSULARSgrossulars n. Plural of grossular.
GROSSULAR n. a garnet containing calcium and aluminium, occurring in grey, pinkish, or yellow-green crystals and used as a gemstone, also GROSSULARITE.
HARBORFULSharborfuls n. Plural of harborful.
HARBORFUL n. the contents of a harbor, also HARBOURFUL.
OPERCULARSoperculars n. Plural of opercular.
OPERCULAR n. the opercular bone.
PREOCULARSpreoculars n. Plural of preocular.
PREOCULAR n. a scale in front of the eye of a reptile or fish.
REAROUSALSrearousals n. Plural of rearousal.
REAROUSAL n. the act of rearousing.
REGULATORSregulators n. Plural of regulator.
REGULATOR n. one who regulates.
ULTRASHORTultrashort adj. Very short.
ultrashort adj. (Sciences) Extremely short in duration, typically on the femtosecond scale.
ultrashort adj. (Physics, of a wave) Having a wavelength of between 1 and 10 metres.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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