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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, L, N, O, 2R and T

ALTERNATORalternator n. (Electrical engineering) An electric generator which produces alternating current through mechanical means.
ALTERNATOR n. an electric generator for producing alternating current.
ANTERIORLYanteriorly adv. Before (in time).
anteriorly adv. In front (in position).
anteriorly adv. Towards the anterior.
ANTRORSELYantrorsely adv. (Biology) In an antrorse fashion.
ANTRORSELY adv. turned forward or upward.
ARROGANTLYarrogantly adv. In an arrogant manner; with undue pride or self-importance.
ARROGANT adv. overbearing.
CONTRARILYcontrarily adv. In a contrary manner; in opposite ways or directions.
CONTRARY adv. opposite; in an opposite direction, also CONTRAIR, CONTRARIOUS.
GRANULATORgranulator n. A machine that forms material into granules.
GRANULATOR n. something that granulates, also GRANULATER.
INTERPOLARinterpolar adj. Between poles.
INTERPOLAR adj. between poles.
IRRATIONALirrational adj. Not rational; unfounded or nonsensical.
irrational adj. (Mathematics, arithmetic, number theory, not comparable) Of a real number, that cannot be written as…
irrational n. A real number that can not be expressed as the quotient of two integers, an irrational number.
IRRELATIONirrelation n. The quality or state of being irrelative; lack of connection or relation.
IRRELATION n. the state of being irrelative.
LATERBORNSLATERBORN n. someone born later.
MATRONLIERMATRONLY adj. like a matron.
NECROLATERnecrolater n. One who worships or reveres the dead.
NECROLATER n. one who practises necrolatry, worship of the dead.
NECROLATRYnecrolatry n. The practice of worshipping or revering the dead.
NECROLATRY n. worship of the dead.
OVERLEARNToverlearnt v. Simple past tense and past participle of overlearn.
OVERLEARN v. to continue to study or practice after attaining proficiency.
PATRONLIERPATRONLY adj. like a patron.
PREFRONTALprefrontal adj. Of, pertaining to or situated in the anterior part of the frontal lobe.
prefrontal adj. Of, pertaining to or situated in front of the frontal bone.
prefrontal n. A prefrontal bone, scale, etc.
TORRENTIALtorrential adj. Coming or characterized by torrents; flowing heavily or in large quantities.
TORRENTIAL adj. resembling a torrent, also TORRENTUOUS.
TRANSLATORtranslator n. A person who converts speech, text, film, or other material into a different language. (Contrasted with interpreter.)
translator n. (By extension) One that makes a new version of a source material in a different language or format.
translator n. A computer program that translates something from one language to another using machine translation.
TRANSPOLARtranspolar adj. Extending across, or crossing one of the poles, or a polar region.
TRANSPOLAR adj. across the poles.
TRINOCULARtrinocular adj. Using three points of vision, such as a microscope with two standard eyepieces and one camera eyepiece…
TRINOCULAR adj. relating to a binocular microscope equipped with a lens for photographic recording.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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