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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, L, M, O, R and 2T

LACTOMETERlactometer n. A device that estimates the cream content of milk by measuring its specific gravity.
LACTOMETER n. an instrument for testing the relative density of milk.
LATTERMOSTlattermost adj. Last.
LATTERMOST adj. last.
MARTELLATOmartellato adj. (Music) Strongly accented, or hammered out; used of notes played on bowed string instruments, handbells, or the piano.
MARTELLATO n. (Italian) (in string playing) the practice of bowing the string with a succession of short sharp blows.
METHYLATORmethylator n. A person, company of device that methylates (originally, one that produced methylated spirits).
methylator n. (Biochemistry) Anything that causes methylation.
METHYLATOR n. an agent that methylates.
MUTILATORSmutilators n. Plural of mutilator.
MUTILATOR n. one who mutilates.
PETROLATUMpetrolatum n. Petroleum jelly.
PETROLATUM n. petroleum jelly.
PORTMANTLEportmantle n. Obsolete form of portmanteau.
PORTMANTLE n. (obsolete) a portmanteau, also PORTMANTEAU, PORTMANTUA.
STIMULATORstimulator n. A person, device or substance that stimulates.
STIMULATOR n. an agent that stimulates, also STIMULATER.
TEMPORALTYtemporalty n. (Obsolete) The laity; secular people.
temporalty n. (Obsolete) A secular possession; a temporality.
TEMPORALTY n. the laity; secular people.
TREMOLANTStremolants n. Plural of tremolant.
TREMOLANT n. (Italian) a vibrating, quavering musical effect, also TREMOLO.
VOLTAMETERvoltameter n. An instrument used to measure the quantity of electric charge.
VOLTAMETER n. an instrument for measuring electrical current indirectly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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