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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, I, O, 2R, S and U

ARMIGEROUSarmigerous adj. Entitled to bear a coat of arms.
ARMIGEROUS adj. entitled to bear heraldic arms.
AURIFEROUSauriferous adj. Containing or producing gold; gold-bearing.
AURIFEROUS adj. containing gold.
AUTHORISERauthoriser n. Alternative form of authorizer.
AUTHORISER n. one who authorises, also AUTHORIZER.
COURBARILScourbarils n. Plural of courbaril.
COURBARIL n. the West Indian locust-tree.
GREGARIOUSgregarious adj. (Of a person) Describing one who enjoys being in crowds and socializing.
gregarious adj. (Zoology) Of animals that travel in herds or packs.
gregarious adj. (Botany) Growing in open clusters or colonies; not matted together.
MORTUARIESmortuaries n. Plural of mortuary.
MORTUARY n. a place where dead bodies are kept until burial.
PARVOVIRUSparvovirus n. Any single-stranded DNA virus, of the genus Parvovirus, being the smallest found in nature; they infect…
parvovirus n. Certain small viruses, not in genus Parvovirus, that infect humans.
Parvovirus prop.n. (Archaic) A taxonomic genus within the family Parvoviridae – very small viruses that cause disease in…
PRECARIOUSprecarious adj. (Comparable) Dangerously insecure or unstable; perilous.
precarious adj. (Law) Depending on the intention of another.
precarious adj. (Dentistry) Relating to incipient caries.
RAISONNEURraisonneur n. (Literature) A person in a play or book embodying an author’s viewpoint.
RAISONNEUR n. (French) a person in a play or book embodying the author's viewpoint.
RANIVOROUSranivorous adj. Frog-eating.
RANIVOROUS adj. eating frogs.
REAROUSINGrearousing v. Present participle of rearouse.
REAROUSE v. to arouse again.
RUMINATORSruminators n. Plural of ruminator.
RUMINATOR n. one who ruminates.
RUSTICATORrusticator n. The instigator or perpetrator of rustication.
RUSTICATOR n. one who rusticates.
SOUTERRAINsouterrain n. (Archaeology) An underground chamber or passage sometimes used as a store, especially one associated…
SOUTERRAIN n. (French) an underground chamber, room or dwelling, also SUBTERRAIN, SUBTERRANE, SUBTERRENE.
TRAITOROUStraitorous adj. Characteristic of a traitor; disloyal.
traitorous adj. (Law) Constituting treason; treasonable or seditious.
TRAITOROUS adj. guilty or capable of treason.
TRIANDROUStriandrous adj. Triandrian.
TRIANDROUS adj. of or pertaining to the Triandria; having three distinct and equal stamens in the same flower, also TRIANDRIAN.
TRIFARIOUStrifarious adj. (Botany) Facing three ways; arranged in three vertical ranks, like the leaves of veratrum.
TRIFARIOUS adj. facing three ways.
UPROARIOUSuproarious adj. Causing, or likely to cause, an uproar.
uproarious adj. Characterized by uproar, that is, loud, confused noise, or by noisy and uncontrollable laughter.
uproarious adj. (By extension) Extremely funny; hilarious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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