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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, I, N, R, T, U and V

AVANTURINEavanturine n. Alternative form of aventurine.
AVANTURINE n. a glass containing golden or green flecks; quartz containing mica flakes, also AVENTURIN, AVENTURINE.
AVENTURINEaventurine n. A kind of brownish glass containing gold-coloured spangles.
aventurine n. (Mineralogy, by extension) A variety of translucent quartz, spangled throughout with scales of yellow mica.
AVENTURINE n. a glass containing golden or green flecks; quartz containing mica flakes, also AVANTURINE, AVENTURIN.
AVENTURINSaventurins n. Plural of aventurin.
AVENTURIN n. a glass containing golden or green flecks; quartz containing mica flakes, also AVANTURINE, AVENTURINE.
CURVATIONScurvations n. Plural of curvation.
CURVATION n. the state of being curved.
HANTAVIRUShantavirus n. (Virology) Any virus of the genus Hantavirus, transmitted by aerosolized rodent excreta or rodent bites…
HANTAVIRUS n. an often fatal virus with flu-like symptoms.
INCURVATEDincurvated v. Simple past tense and past participle of incurvate.
INCURVATE v. to curve in, also INCURVE.
INCURVATESincurvates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of incurvate.
INCURVATE v. to curve in, also INCURVE.
INDURATIVEindurative adj. Relating to, causing, or marked by induration or hardening.
INDURATIVE adj. relating to induration.
NUMERATIVEnumerative adj. Of or pertaining to numeration.
NUMERATIVE adj. relating to numeration.
OUTBRAVINGoutbraving v. Present participle of outbrave.
OUTBRAVE v. to surpass in courage.
PURSUIVANTpursuivant n. (Archaic) A follower.
pursuivant n. (Heraldry) A functionary of lower rank than a herald, but discharging similar duties; called also pursuivant…
pursuivant n. (Freemasonry) A Grand Lodge Officer who guards the inner door during a meeting of the Grand Lodge.
RUMINATIVEruminative adj. Causing rumination or prone to it; thoughtful.
RUMINATIVE adj. tending to ruminate.
UNCREATIVEuncreative adj. Not creative.
UNCREATIVE adj. not creative.
UNFAVORITEunfavorite adj. (Informal) Not preferred; in particular, especially disliked.
unfavorite n. (Informal) Something that is not a favourite; particularly something that is especially disliked.
unfavorite v. (Internet, transitive) To remove from one’s list of favorites.
UNIVARIANTunivariant adj. Having a single degree of freedom.
UNIVARIANT adj. having one degree of freedom.
UNIVARIATEunivariate adj. (Mathematics) Having or involving a single variable.
univariate n. (Mathematics) A polynomial or function with only one variable.
UNIVARIATE adj. of a distribution, having one variate only.
UNREACTIVEunreactive adj. (Chemistry) Not reactive; relatively inert.
unreactive adj. (Psychology) That does not respond to a stimulation.
un-reactive adj. Alternative spelling of unreactive.
UNRELATIVEunrelative adj. Not relative to something else; absolute.
UNRELATIVE adj. not relative.
UNVERACITYunveracity n. Lack of veracity; untruthfulness.
UNVERACITY n. want of veracity.
VAUNTERIESVAUNTERY n. (archaic) vaunting, boasting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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