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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, I, N, R, 2T and V

AVERTIMENTavertiment n. (Obsolete) advertisement (public notice).
AVERTIMENT n. (Milton) advertisement.
CRAVATTINGcravatting v. Present participle of cravat.
CRAVAT v. to dress in a cravat.
ENTREATIVEentreative adj. Used in entreaty; pleading.
ENTREATIVE adj. (obsolete) used in entreaty; pleading.
INTERVITALintervital adj. Between lives.
INTERVITAL adj. between two lives.
INTRAVITALintravital adj. Within or among living cells; for example, subcutaneous.
intravital adj. Occurring during life.
INTRAVITAL adj. performed upon or found in a living organism, also INTRAVITAM.
INTRAVITAMintravitam adv. (Biology) During the life of an organism.
INTRAVITAM adj. performed upon or found in a living organism, also INTRAVITAL.
INVETERATEinveterate adj. Firmly established from having been around for a long time; of long standing.
inveterate adj. (Of a person) Having had a habit for a long time.
inveterate adj. Malignant; virulent; spiteful.
INVITATORYinvitatory adj. Of or pertaining to an invitation.
invitatory n. (Music) A psalm sung, as an invitation to prayer, at the beginning of some services.
INVITATORY n. a psalm or anthem sung before prayer during church service.
REVISITANTrevisitant adj. Visiting again.
REVISITANT n. one who visits again.
ROTAVATINGrotavating v. Present participle of rotavate.
ROTAVATE v. to till by means of a hand-operated machine, also ROTOVATE.
ROTOVATINGrotovating v. Present participle of rotovate.
ROTOVATE v. to till by means of a hand-operated machine, also ROTAVATE.
STARVATIONstarvation n. A condition of severe suffering due to a lack of nutrition.
starvation n. (Figurative) Severe shortage of resources.
starvation n. (Computer science) A state where a process is perpetually denied necessary resources to process its work.
TRANSITIVEtransitive adj. Making a transit or passage.
transitive adj. Affected by transference of signification.
transitive adj. (Grammar, of a verb) Taking a direct object or objects.
TRAVERTINEtravertine n. (Mineralogy) A light, porous form of concretionary limestone (or calcite) deposited from solution, and…
TRAVERTINE n. (Italian) a pale limestone deposited from solution, e.g. from springs, also TRAVERTIN.
TRAVERTINStravertins n. Plural of travertin.
TRAVERTIN n. (Italian) a pale limestone deposited from solution, e.g. from springs, also TRAVERTINE.
VENTILATORventilator n. A device that circulates fresh air and expels stale or noxious air.
ventilator n. (Medicine) A machine that moves breathable air into and out of the lungs of a patient who is unable…
ventilator n. (Figurative) Some behaviour or happening that relieves a tense atmosphere or situation.
VINARTERTAvinarterta n. (Canada) A dessert of cake with layers of prune filling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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