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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing A, I, M, S and 3T

AUTOMATISTautomatist adj. Of or characterized by automatism.
automatist n. One who performs automatic writing.
automatist n. One who holds the doctrine of automatism, believing that animals are automata.
METASTATICmetastatic adj. (Medicine) Relating to, or producing metastasis.
METASTATIC adj. of, pertaining to, or caused by, metastasis.
MULTISTATEmultistate adj. Involving multiple states (in all senses).
MULTISTATE adj. extending over, relating to, or involving a number of the states of a union, federation.
STEAMTIGHTsteamtight adj. So tightly made that steam cannot enter or escape.
STEAMTIGHT adj. impervious to steam.
STIGMATISTstigmatist n. A person whose body is marked by stigmata; a stigmatic.
STIGMATIST n. one believed to be supernaturally impressed with the marks of Christ's wounds.
STOMATITICstomatitic adj. Relating to stomatitis.
STOMATITIC adj. relating to stomatitis, inflammation of the mouth.
STOMATITISstomatitis n. An inflammation of parts of the mucous membrane that lines the mouth.
STOMATITIS n. inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth.
TOMATOIESTtomatoiest adj. Superlative form of tomatoey: most tomatoey.
TOMATOEY adj. resembling the tomato.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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