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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, I, L, P, 2R and T

IMPLORATORimplorator n. (Obsolete) One who implores.
IMPLORATOR n. (Shakespeare) one who implores.
INTERPOLARinterpolar adj. Between poles.
INTERPOLAR adj. between poles.
PARTICULARparticular adj. (Obsolete) Pertaining only to a part of something; partial.
particular adj. Specific; discrete; concrete.
particular adj. Specialised; characteristic of a specific person or thing.
PASTORLIERPASTORLY adj. appropriate to a pastor.
PATRONLIERPATRONLY adj. like a patron.
PERIPTERALperipteral adj. (Architecture) peripterous.
peripteral adj. (Zoology) peripterous.
PERIPTERAL adj. having a row of columns on every side.
PERISTYLARperistylar adj. Having the form of a peristyle.
PERISTYLAR adj. relating to a peristyle, a range of columns around a building or courtyard.
PLASTERIERPLASTERY adj. of the nature of plaster.
PRAETORIALpraetorial adj. Synonym of praetorian.
PRAETORIAL adj. relating to a praetor, a magistrate of ancient Rome, also PRETORIAL.
PREMARITALpremarital adj. Before marriage; before getting married.
PREMARITAL adj. taking place before marriage.
PROCTORIALproctorial adj. Of or pertaining to a proctor or to the office of proctorship.
PROCTORIAL adj. of or pertaining to a proctor, esp. an academic proctor.
REPLICATORreplicator n. Something capable of self-replication, like a gene or meme.
replicator n. (Science fiction) A technological device that replicates physical objects.
REPLICATOR n. something or someone that replicates.
SCRIPTURALscriptural adj. Of, pertaining to, or in accordance with scripture.
SCRIPTURAL adj. relating to scripture.
ULTRARAPIDultrarapid adj. Extraordinarily rapid; of utmost rapidity.
ULTRARAPID adj. very very rapid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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