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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, I, L, O, P, R and U

DUPLICATORduplicator n. A device that reproduces something, such as printed documents or compact discs; a copier.
DUPLICATOR n. one that duplicates.
ERUPTIONALeruptional adj. Eruptive.
ERUPTIONAL adj. eruptive.
EUROPHILIAeurophilia n. Alternative form of Europhilia.
Europhilia n. The love of Europe, Europeans, or European culture.
EUROPHILIA n. the love of Europe and things European.
MULTIPOLARmultipolar adj. (Physics, biology) Having more than two poles.
multipolar adj. (Politics) Of or relating to an international system in which a number of states wield most of the cultural…
multipolar n. An electromagnetic machine in which several magnetic poles exist.
PLAUDITORYplauditory adj. Applauding; commending.
PLAUDITORY adj. issuing enthusiastic approval or applause.
PLESIOSAURplesiosaur n. Any of several extinct marine reptiles, of the order Plesiosauria, from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
PLESIOSAUR n. any of a group of extinct marine reptiles of Mesozoic times.
PLEURONIASPLEURONIA n. the combined disorder of pleurisy and pneumonia.
POLYPARIUMpolyparium n. (Biology) The stem, or supporting structure, of any colonial cnidarian such as coral.
POLYPARIUM n. the framework and base of a polyp colony, esp. coral, also POLYPARY.
POPULARISEpopularise v. (Transitive) To make something popular.
popularise v. (Transitive) To present something in a widely understandable or acceptable form, especially technical…
POPULARISE v. to cater to popular taste, also POPULARIZE.
POPULARISMpopularism n. Any political doctrine chosen to appeal to a majority of the electorate.
POPULARISTpopularist adj. Reflecting popular taste and opinion.
popularist n. An artist or composer whose work appeals to popular tastes.
popularist n. One who adapts and popularizes a subject.
POPULARITYpopularity n. The quality or state of being popular; especially, the state of being esteemed by, or of being in favor…
popularity n. (Archaic) The quality or state of being adapted or pleasing to common, poor, or vulgar people.
popularity n. (Archaic) Something which obtains, or is intended to obtain, the favor of the vulgar; claptrap.
POPULARIZEpopularize v. To make popular.
POPULARIZE v. to cater to popular taste, also POPULARISE.
QUADRIPOLEquadripole n. (Electronics) An electrical circuit that has two pairs of external terminals.
quadripole n. (Physics) four poles disposed in a square fashion.
QUADRIPOLE n. a network with two input and two output terminals.
STIPULATORstipulator n. A person who stipulates.
STIPULATOR n. one who stipulates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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