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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, I, 2L, M, N and T

ENAMELLISTenamellist n. Alternative form of enamelist.
ILLUMINANTilluminant n. Something that illuminates.
illuminant adj. That illuminates.
ILLUMINANT n. that which illuminates or affords light; as, gas and petroleum are illuminants.
ILLUMINATEilluminate v. (Transitive) To shine light on something.
illuminate v. (Transitive) To decorate something with lights.
illuminate v. (Transitive, figurative) To clarify or make something understandable.
ILLUMINATIIlluminati n. Plural of Illuminatus.
ILLUMINATO n. a member of any of various sects or societies claiming special enlightenment.
ILLUMINATOILLUMINATO n. a member of any of various sects or societies claiming special enlightenment.
LIGAMENTALligamental adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling a ligament.
LIGAMENTAL adj. of or like a ligament, also LIGAMENTARY, LIGAMENTOUS.
LIMINALITYliminality n. (Anthropology, philosophy, sociology, psychology) The state or quality of ambiguity which exists in…
MALLEATINGmalleating v. Present participle of malleate.
MALLEATE v. to hammer; to beat into a plate or leaf.
MALLEATIONmalleation n. The act or process of beating into a plate, sheet, or leaf, as a metal; extension by beating.
malleation n. A hammering movement of the hands against the thighs, a form of tic.
MALLEATION n. hammering; a hammer-mark or dent.
MANTICALLYMANTIC adv. (Greek) having powers of prophecy.
MARTELLINGmartelling v. Present participle of martel.
MARTEL v. (Spenser) to make a blow with this.
METALLINGSmetallings n. Plural of metalling.
METALLING n. road metal, broken stones.
MILITANTLYmilitantly adv. In a militant manner.
MILITANT adv. aggressive.
MULTILANESMULTILANE n. a highway having several lanes.
MULTIPLANEmultiplane adj. Consisting of several planes or surfaces.
multiplane n. An airplane having at least three superposed main planes.
multiplane n. A motion-picture camera used in traditional animation to move a number of pieces of artwork at various…
MULTIPLANTmultiplant adj. Of or pertaining to more than one plant (factory or industrial building).
MULTIPLANT adj. consisting of many plants.
PALLIAMENTpalliament n. (Obsolete) A dress; a robe.
PALLIAMENT n. (Shakespeare) a Roman consular candidate's robe.
TERMINALLYterminally adv. In a terminal manner.
terminally adv. Leading to death; lasting until death.
terminally adv. (Military, of missile guidance) To the target.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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