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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, 2I, M, R and 2T

ARITHMETICarithmetic n. The mathematics of numbers (integers, rational numbers, real numbers, or complex numbers) under the…
arithmetic adj. (Mathematics) Of, relating to, or using arithmetic; arithmetical.
arithmetic adj. (Arithmetic) Of a progression, mean, etc, computed solely using addition.
DERMATITISdermatitis n. (Pathology) Inflammation of the skin.
DERMATITIS n. inflammation of the skin.
IMMATURITYimmaturity n. Youth; the condition of being immature or not fully grown.
IMMATURITY n. the state of being immature.
INTIMATERSintimaters n. Plural of intimater.
INTIMATER n. one who intimates.
INTRAVITAMintravitam adv. (Biology) During the life of an organism.
INTRAVITAM adj. performed upon or found in a living organism, also INTRAVITAL.
MARTIALISTmartialist n. A warrior.
Martialist n. (Obsolete) A person from Mars; a Martian.
MARTIALIST n. a warrior.
MATURITIESmaturities n. Plural of maturity.
MATURITY n. the state of being mature.
MILITARISTmilitarist n. One who believes in the use of military force.
MILITARIST n. a military man.
MINISTRANTministrant n. One who ministers.
ministrant adj. Administering; attendant.
MINISTRANT n. an attendant.
MITHRIDATEmithridate n. (Historical medicine) Any of various historical medicines—typically an electuary compounded with various…
mithridate n. (Figurative, now rare) Synonym of cure.
mithridate n. (Rare, obsolete) Ellipsis of mithridate mustard.: pepperwort (L. campestre), pennycress (T. arvense)…
MITIGATORSmitigators n. Plural of mitigator.
MITIGATOR n. one who mitigates.
MITIGATORYmitigatory adj. Reducing, lessening the effects of something, generally something painful or uncomfortable.
MITIGATORY adj. tending to mitigate.
PATRIOTISMpatriotism n. Love of one’s country; devotion to the welfare of one’s compatriots; passion which inspires one to serve…
patriotism n. The actions of a patriot.
patriotism n. The desire to compete with other nations; nationalism.
TASIMETRICtasimetric adj. Of or relating to the tasimeter.
TASIMETRIC adj. relating to a tasimeter, an instrument for measuring changes in pressure.
TERMITARIAtermitaria n. Plural of termitarium.
TERMITARIUM n. (Latin) a termite nest.
TIMOCRATICtimocratic adj. Belonging to, or constituted by, timocracy.
TIMOCRATIC adj. relating to timocracy, also TIMOCRATICAL.
TRAITORISMtraitorism n. Traitorous behaviour; treachery.
TRAITORISM n. being a traitor.
TRIGAMISTStrigamists n. Plural of trigamist.
TRIGAMIST n. one who has been married three times; also, one who has three husbands or three wives at the same time.
TRIPARTISMtripartism n. The state or policy of being tripartite; separatism into three factions.
tripartism n. (Economics) A corporatist system in which trade unions, employers and government collaborate on the…
TRIPARTISM n. an established system of dialogue between three related groups.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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