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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing A, 2I, L, 2P and R

PARALIPSISparalipsis n. (Rhetoric, linguistics) A figure of speech in which one pretends to ignore or omit something by actually…
PARALIPSIS n. a rhetorical figure by which one fixes attention on a subject by pretending to neglect it, also PARALEIPSIS.
PARAPHILIAparaphilia n. (Sexology) An abnormal sexual arousal or attraction, especially to objects or situations that are not…
paraphilia n. (Sexology) Sexual arousal in response to sexual objects or situations which may interfere with the capacity…
PARAPHILIA n. abnormal sexual practices.
PARAPHILICparaphilic adj. Of or pertaining to a paraphilia.
paraphilic n. One who has a paraphilia.
PARTICIPLEparticiple n. (Grammar) A form of a verb that may function as an adjective or noun. English has two types of participles…
PARTICIPLE n. a word having the characteristics of both verb and adjective.
PILOCARPINpilocarpin n. Alternative form of pilocarpine.
PILOCARPIN n. an alkaloid obtained from jaborandi leaves, also PILOCARPINE.
PRINCIPALSprincipals n. Plural of principal.
PRINCIPAL n. the head of a college or university.
PRINCIPIALprincipial adj. (Obsolete) elementary.
PRINCIPIAL adj. elementary.
PUPILARITYPUPILARITY n. the state of being a pupil or legal ward, also PUPILLARITY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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