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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, 2I, 2L, M and T

ALMIGHTILYalmightily adv. In a way or manner that is almighty.
ALMIGHTY adv. having absolute power over all.
BIMETALLICbimetallic adj. Pertaining to the use of gold and silver to create legal currency.
bimetallic adj. More generally, consisting of two metals.
bimetallic n. Anything (especially a nanoparticle) composed of two metals.
CLIMATICALclimatical adj. Alternative form of climatic.
CLIMATICAL adj. relating to climate, also CLIMATIC.
ILLUMINANTilluminant n. Something that illuminates.
illuminant adj. That illuminates.
ILLUMINANT n. that which illuminates or affords light; as, gas and petroleum are illuminants.
ILLUMINATEilluminate v. (Transitive) To shine light on something.
illuminate v. (Transitive) To decorate something with lights.
illuminate v. (Transitive, figurative) To clarify or make something understandable.
ILLUMINATIIlluminati n. Plural of Illuminatus.
ILLUMINATO n. a member of any of various sects or societies claiming special enlightenment.
ILLUMINATOILLUMINATO n. a member of any of various sects or societies claiming special enlightenment.
LIMINALITYliminality n. (Anthropology, philosophy, sociology, psychology) The state or quality of ambiguity which exists in…
LITERALISMliteralism n. Literal interpretation or understanding; adherence to the exact letter or precise significance, as in…
literalism n. (Art) The style of art portraying a subject as literally and accurately as possible.
LITERALISM n. adherence to the explicit substance of an idea or expression.
MILITANTLYmilitantly adv. In a militant manner.
MILITANT adv. aggressive.
MILITARILYmilitarily adv. In a military or martial manner; not peaceably.
militarily adv. By way of military or otherwise belligerent means.
MILITARY adv. relating to armed forces.
MILLIWATTSmilliwatts n. Plural of milliwatt.
MILLIWATT n. one thousandth of a watt.
MITRAILLESMITRAILLE n. (French) shot or bits of iron used sometimes in loading cannon.
MOLALITIESmolalities n. Plural of molality.
MOLALITY n. the number of moles of solute per litre of solvent, also MOLARITY.
MULTIAXIALmultiaxial adj. Having more than one axis.
MULTIAXIAL adj. having more than one axis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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