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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing A, 3I, M, R and T

IMPARITIESimparities n. Plural of imparity.
IMPARITY n. lack of equality.
LIMITARIANlimitarian adj. Tending to limit.
limitarian n. One who subscribes to the doctrine of limitarianism.
LIMITARIAN n. someone who limits salvation to part of mankind.
MIAROLITICmiarolitic adj. (Mineralogy) Being or pertaining to a crystal-lined irregular cavity or vug most commonly found in granitic…
MIAROLITIC adj. having irregular cavities into which the constituent minerals of the rock project with perfectly terminated crystals.
MILITARIESmilitaries n. Plural of military.
MILITARY n. armed forces.
MILITARILYmilitarily adv. In a military or martial manner; not peaceably.
militarily adv. By way of military or otherwise belligerent means.
MILITARY adv. relating to armed forces.
MILITARISEmilitarise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of militarize.
MILITARISE v. to make military, also MILITARIZE.
MILITARISMmilitarism n. An ideology which claims that the military is the foundation of a society’s security, and thereby its…
militarism n. A focus on, or excessive use of, military force.
MILITARISM n. reliance on military force in administering government.
MILITARISTmilitarist n. One who believes in the use of military force.
MILITARIST n. a military man.
MILITARIZEmilitarize v. To give a military character to something, such as government or organization.
militarize v. To train or equip for war.
militarize v. To adopt for use by the military.
MINISTERIAministeria n. Plural of ministerium.
MINISTERIUM n. (Latin) a ministry.
SIMILARITYsimilarity n. Closeness of appearance to something else.
similarity n. (Philosophy) The relation of sharing properties.
similarity n. (Mathematics) A transformation that preserves angles and the ratios of distances.
TRIDOMINIATRIDOMINIUM n. (Latin) threefold rule.
TRIVIALISMtrivialism n. (Logic) The theory that every proposition and its negation is true.
trivialism n. A trivial matter or method; a triviality.
TRIVIALISM n. a trivial matter or method.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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