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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, H, N, O, R, S and U

ANARTHROUSanarthrous adj. (Linguistics) Not having an article (especially of Greek nouns).
anarthrous adj. (Linguistics) Not having a determiner.
anarthrous adj. (Biology, of a limb) Not having joints.
AUTHORINGSauthorings n. Plural of authoring.
AUTHORING n. the act of authoring.
BOARHOUNDSboarhounds n. Plural of boarhound.
Boarhounds n. Plural of Boarhound.
BOARHOUND n. a dog used to hunt boar.
CANEPHORUSCANEPHORUS n. (Greek) a sculpted figure carrying a basket on the head, also CANEPHOR, CANEPHORA, CANEPHORE.
DRAGHOUNDSdraghounds n. Plural of draghound.
drag-hounds n. Plural of drag-hound.
drag␣hounds n. Plural of drag hound.
GRAYHOUNDSgrayhounds n. Plural of grayhound.
GRAYHOUND n. a tall slender fast-moving dog of an ancient breed originally used for coursing, also GREYHOUND.
HARDBOUNDSHARDBOUND n. a book bound in hard covers.
HARMONIOUSharmonious adj. Showing accord in feeling or action.
harmonious adj. Having components pleasingly or appropriately combined.
harmonious adj. Melodious; in harmony.
HARMONIUMSharmoniums n. Plural of harmonium.
HARMONIUM n. a keyboard instrument in which reeds are made to vibrate by air from a pedal-operated bellows.
HEXANDROUShexandrous adj. Alternative form of hexandrian.
HEXANDROUS adj. having six stamens, also HEXANDRIAN.
HOARHOUNDShoarhounds n. Plural of hoarhound.
HOARHOUND n. a kind of wild flower, also HOREHOUND.
HYDRONAUTShydronauts n. Plural of hydronaut.
HYDRONAUT n. a person trained to work in an underwater vessel.
NEUROPATHSneuropaths n. Plural of neuropath.
NEUROPATH n. one who believes in nervous origin of most diseases.
NONAUTHORSnonauthors n. Plural of nonauthor.
NONAUTHOR n. one who is not an author.
ROUNDHANDSroundhands n. Plural of roundhand.
ROUNDHAND n. a style of penmanship in which the letters are well-rounded and free.
THIOFURANSthiofurans n. Plural of thiofuran.
THIOFURAN n. a five-membered heterocyclic compound with sulphur, aka thiophen.
UNACTORISHunactorish adj. Not actorish.
UNACTORISH adj. not like an actor.
UNHARBOURSunharbours v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unharbour.
UNHARBOUR v. to dislodge from shelter.
XIPHOSURANxiphosuran n. (Zoology) Any member of the order Xiphosura, including horseshoe crabs.
xiphosuran adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the order Xiphosura.
XIPHOSURAN adj. belonging to the Xiphosura, an order of Arthropoda of which the only survivors are the king crabs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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